November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

This is a very special day in more ways then one. My daughter's birthday many times falls on Thanksgiving day. My son, Christopher's birthday is December 25. We have much to be thankful for.

I had mixed feelings last Thanksgiving. I knew that I had much to be thankful for and yet the pain that I was feeling from George's unnecessary death in the hospital was so deep.

Last year, as this year, I started the day with Thanksgiving Day Mass. I sat next to the same person who I sat next to last year. I DID NOT KNOW this gentleman last year but have come to know him since then as a faithful member of our St. Edwards community.

Last year, Father Butler asked everyone to turn to the person next to them and say what they were thankful for.

The gentleman next to me said that he was thankful that his wife, who was not well was feeling better. Intense emotion arose in me and I blurted out, fighting back the tears that I was grateful that my husband was no longer in pain and was in Heaven.

I was in deep emotional pain as I left Church. I have so much to be grateful for but I broke down and cried all the way home. It was my daughter's birthday and also Thanksgiving and so I drove around the area until I was able to put on a happy face. After all, I am the rock of the family, people rarely, if ever see me cry. I made it through the day with my happy face, but broken heart.

The next day, I started to pack my suitcase for a three month journey. One that I had promised my husband that I would take. One that would put me back into the world of the living. One where I would count my blessings everyday. One where God sent me in a very tangible way, a message that I was on the right track. One where lives were touched. What a gift from both God and George.

George was a very wise man. He knows that my word is my bond and that I would follow through on a promise. He asked me to do something for him. He wanted me to take a trip by myself, to places that we had never been. To face something different and to do one new thing a week. THE FIRST STEP WAS THE HARDEST..........

Do one new thing a week?????? I thought that it would be hard but I found myself doing one new thing every day for the first seven days. At this rate, I did not have to do anything new but boy!!!!! the challenge was there. It was an easy challenge, made even easier because of the wonderful people that I met. My journey was an inspiration to them as they were an inspiration to me. We fed off of one another. I thanked people.....they thanked me.....we hugged, we laughed......ALL ALONG THE WAY, I FELT THE LOVE OF GOD AND GEORGE......They wanted me to be O.K. and I was going to be O.K.

I could write a book about those three months but more important is the direction that my life has taken since I returned. Writing Grace Moments is something that I never in a million years would have ever expected to do. I was never very good in English and hated to write anything.

The picture of the rainbow at the top of this page was taken from the balcony of the condo that I had been staying in during the first leg of my journey. The day after I took that picture, I walked the beautiful beach of S. Hutchinson Island and was so mesmerized by the birds, wildlife and people that I met that I walked over 13 miles before I realized it. TALK ABOUT A FIRST.......I seriously doubt if I ever walked more than 4 miles prior to that day.

I was totally inspired by everything that I did that day and everything that I saw. I thanked God for the beautiful rainbow and HIS help in healing my heart. I looked at that rainbow and thought that it was beautiful but did not know the significance of the rainbow at that time. Something happened when I returned home, that made me look at rainbows in a more profound manner. A truly inspirational manner. I learned that a rainbow is God's Covenant to Man. At a later date, I will write about that.

And now fast forward to this wonderful day....I have so much to be thankful for. I did not leave the Church in tears. When I turned to the gentleman, who I now know, during my favorite part of the Mass when we say, PEACE BE WITH YOU, I hugged him and later asked about his wife. I remembered what he had said last year. He said that she is still frail and so I said a prayer for her as I left Church.

The common union of our Church as Father Pat so often speaks of inspires me and makes me happy. For this I am grateful. The Spirit and love that I feel as a result of this common union is something to be grateful for. I try to give back in some small way all that has been given to me in love and friendship. If I can make a difference in the life of someone..........this I am grateful for. My family and friends and also all of those strangers who approach me and compliment the Cross that I wear......and exchange words of FAITH ........this I am grateful for. For the blessing and gift of a loving heart.........this I am grateful for.


November 20, 2008


"The extraordinary thing about Kathleen King is not that she was run over by her own car on Monday.

It's that at 80, Ms King was at work."

This is a quote from the Albany Times Union.

Ms. King was a volunteer for Meals on Wheels. She reached out to help her fellowman in need in whatever capacity she was able. She was AN ANGEL ON EARTH. People like Ms. King make a difference in the lives of the people that they touch. Many people have no one to see or talk to. Then there is a knock on the door, and AN ANGEL ON EARTH is there with not only a meal but a kind word and smile on their face.

According to the Times Union, "she called her clients, "her peeps". She came to adopt them as her extended family. For one man, like so many clients who usually see no one else except the postman and a Meals on Wheels volunteer, she'd take home his clothes to wash or sew buttons."

As people are living longer, there are many who are living alone but need some help. Volunteer programs like Meals on Wheels and other volunteer programs help people to stay in their homes and live out their remaining years in dignity. Our ANGELS ON EARTH provide a much needed service. Many of these ANGELS are your friends and neighbors. They are the ones who are always busy, rarely gossip and are usually upbeat even when their own hearts may be breaking.

They are there to help whenever and where ever they can. THEY ASK NOTHING IN RETURN.

I have never met Kathleen King, but I have a vision of her in my head, that shows GOD waiting with open arms to embrace her as she was recently called HOME.

On Tuesday, she was delivering a meal to one of her "peeps", when she was hit by her car. "She got out of her car and walked around the front, only to realize, too late, that she hadn't put it in park. It hit her, pinning her underneath it. Though rescue workers arrived within minutes, she was hospitalized with a head injury".

This morning, as I began my day with reading the morning paper, I read with sadness that she died. I said a prayer for this ANGEL ON EARTH but rejoice in the firm belief that GOD greeted her with a huge smile, open arms and said, "WELCOME HOME".

November 11, 2008


This past summer, Marlena, became ill. She was diagnosed with a very dangerous virus, VIRAL ENCEPHALITIS (brain infection). She was in a coma for 12 days. Bobby reached out to family, friends and co-workers to pray for his beautiful wife. To ask God to help her in this time of crisis.

They feel blessed that she came out of the coma and has been given a chance to recover. A chance at life.

When Bobby asked for prayers, he also wrote the following: TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW how much you LOVE them and how you can not live without them. We never know what tomorrow brings. We have both lost our fathers and know that they are in a better place, but while we are here on earth we need to cherish EVERY BREATH GOD GIVES US; CHERISH our FAMILY and our FRIENDS.

Marlena has been in two different rehab facilities these past months and is making progress. She is set to be released to outpatient therapy on November 26. They are grateful for all of the prayers of family, friends and co-workers.


MY WIFE RECOGNIZES ME and talks about me all the time. She is starting to remember little things that would not mean much to most people but I know they are signs from God of what is to come. If she never remembers any of our past, then we will build new memories and if she can't remember them, then we will live every day as a new day. We are four months into a brain injury that could take up to six months to heal and we have GOD on our side. Our neighbors, friends and family have been our backbone and I know they love us by their actions. Tonight, Marlena, is getting her first overnight pass. It is the first time that she will be home since July 19.

GOD DELIVERS if you do your part. God also TELLS YOU NO sometimes and you have to understand that there is a reason. I lost my father and my best friend in 1988 and I should have lost my wife and best friend to this brain infection. She should never have recovered from her coma but GOD said yes to all of our PRAYERS. She is proof that GOD is right in the middle of another miracle and one day we will all celebrate whatever he decides to deliver, AS LONG AS WE KEEP DOING OUR PART!!!!!


Love in Christ,

Bobby D.

I would like to ask everyone who reads this to please include Marlena in your prayers. We are one.

My son, who lives in California, e-mailed me with Bobbys' request for prayers in August. They are in my thoughts and prayers.

Bobby has given all who read his e-mail something to think about. Life is fragile, life is precious. One never knows what life will bring. He shares his faith with us and the beautiful gift of love that he has for his wife.

For those of us, who are busy rushing through life; please take time out and reach out to those who need us with a smile, a kind word and prayer. God hears every prayer. AND, one never knows; if our smile and/or kind word is the only one that someone has experienced in sometime. Our actions and prayers can make a difference.

November 6, 2008


I had writers block this morning and decided not to publish this day. The story that I had planned to write needed more thought. And so, I began my day; paying bills on line, checking e-mails and planning the day. Prior to leaving my desk, I thought that I was so glad that this election was over. My siblings and I did not share the same viewpoints about our candidates. There were a number of discussions, some HEATED.......Heated to the point, that I insisted upon facts and not fiction in order to make an informed decision prior to casting my vote.

This heated dialogue taught me much about our government and history. I found myself going all the way back to 1947 researching our branches of government. I wanted to know what caused the mess that our country is currently faced with. I did not want to cast a vote based upon emotion or to follow the pack.

My sisters and I agreed to disagree and respect one an others opinions. My older, brilliant, renegade brother was a different story. He challenged me with his knowledge. He worked in the Pentagon eons ago and has very strong opinion's. He is usually right but I frustrated him with my opinions.

I will not even try to write about our "DISCUSSIONS"!!!!!!!!!He really rattled my cage. What transpired and what I learned is enough to fill a book.

The election is over, and our discussions via e-mail will lead us to who knows where. Joe is 80 years old and continues to amaze me and so this morning, I sent him the following.

"Good Morning",

Life is constantly presenting challenges and knocks one down from time to time. A Lovendusky does not stay down for the full count and gets up to fight another round. We have learned to turn lemons into lemonade. I have experienced many difficult challenges in my life as have my siblings. We have experienced some small pushes and at other times many major blows.

We siblings have all experienced difficult times but we have also been blessed with so much of the wonderful life. As I interact with so many people, I find that many have no one in their lives. Can you imagine? No one to have a heated discussion with, to smile, laugh, cry and disagree with. How lonely, how sad.

I look at each and every one of my siblings (my friends) and see very special, unique individuals. We are an interesting, diverse family. Each with a story of joy, sorrow, pain and success. In our own way, we make a difference in the lives of those around us.

I have learned something different from each and every one of you.

So this morning, I would like to start the day by letting you know that I am very happy to have you as my brother.

Have a great day,


He responded:

I got up this morning and the sun was shining again and I was breathing. Isn't that great? The stupid election season is over and I hope that we never see another as bad as this one was. The worst, I've ever seen.

You are so right about family. We can bounce back, because we had darn good examples growing up.

Take care of yourself.

Have a great day. I'm happy to have you girls as my sisters.

Joe Jr.

I had not planned to publish, but I started to type what was running around in my head and decided to share my thoughts with you. Hope you do not mind.

November 1, 2008


I was wandering around Ocean Job Lot in Cape Cod in October of 2006. This was more for nostalgia than for shopping. My husband liked to shop there for bargains after he retired.

It was Sunday and I had just attended Mass. My husband had passed away just two months before and Sundays for some reason were the saddest day of the week for me. I would see so many older couples in Church together and think, THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE US. Silent tears were ever present.

So off I went after Mass on Sunday to his favorite spots. Crab creek where he spent many hours catching crabs for dinner, Christmas tree shop and Ocean Job Lot to pick up a bargain that we did not need.

The week prior when I entered Ocean Job Lot, the song that was played at my husband's viewing filled the air. That really caught my attention since that is not what I expected to hear in this store. (I have never heard it there any other time)

As I wandered around the aisles, I started to SNEEZE.

An older couple were a few aisles over and they came up to me and said something in ITALIAN. The wife said God Bless You. The husband took my hand and he said, "MAY THE SAINTS WALK WITH YOU". That is what we said in Italian.

My heart was overwhelmed and I told them that their kindness is just what I needed that day. I told them why. I also said, "YOU MADE MY DAY". They both hugged me and simply said that I MADE THEIR DAY.

Some other things happened as well. SO I MADE A DECISION.............

George was cremated. I had not decided where his final resting spot would be. I was not prepared for his death. We did not have a burial plot picked out.

Kelly Sanvidge from Emerick's Funeral Home had suggested that I consider having George entombed in the Columbarium Wall at the Saratoga National Cemetery when I was ready.

I had received other signs that George was HAPPY AND HOME IN HEAVEN. Now it was my turn to put him to rest on this earth. HE WOULD ALWAYS WATCH OVER ME, this I knew, this I felt and continue to feel to this day.

George had an elegant funeral. Bishop Hubbard made his Mass so special. The Air Force Honor Guard gave him a wonderful send off at the Church. That was in August, 2006.

After I returned home from the Cape, I called Kelly and told him that I was ready to finally say good-bye. I would follow his suggestion and have George entombed in the Columbarium Wall at the Saratoga National Cemetery. It is a beautiful area and George would be pleased.

I fully expected that we would say a few quiet prayers at the cemetery and that would be that. Kelly told me that George would be given a full military burial at this time. Our grandson and daughter thought that was a good idea and so I agreed.

Kelly told me that the Honor Guard would pick a date when all could be present. That was fine with me.

He called me and told me that the date that they choose was, ALL SAINTS DAY, November 1.

ALL SAINTS DAY is a very special day for me. We remembered George at Mass this morning. I remember him every moment of every day. He was a good man...........

On a lighter note, Father Lanese spoke of married couples as SAINTS many years ago.

He said that when couples took their vows, for richer, for poorer until death we do part many, many years ago, they never expected to be married for 40 plus years. People had shorter life expectancies than today. The average marriage lasted seven years. Now a days, with longevity, he said that all couples who have been married for a long time are SAINTS...............

And also if you sneeze and someone responds to that sneeze in Italian.......remember......MAY THE SAINTS WALK WITH YOU...........