October 22, 2008



Sandy had called her sister Marie who lived approximately 120 miles away. Sandy had called to say good-bye. She was determined to end her life. She had made an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide several weeks before and it was only a matter of time when she would try again.

Her husband had left her for a much younger woman, who she thought was her friend. His reason was that she was too much of a Mother. She had given birth to seven children prior to her turning 30 years of age.

He spent long hours working to support his family, OR SO SHE THOUGHT.........Many of those hours were spent with other women.

She loved her children but the depression that had set in was so intense that she could think of nothing else but to end her life.

Marie listened to Sandy talk and DID NOT try to talk Sandy out of killing herself. On occasion, Marie would ask a question that had nothing to do with the conversation. This threw Sandy off but she answered the questions. As the conversation was coming to an end, Sandy told her sister good-bye and that she loved her.

Marie then said, "PLEASE MEET ME FOR LUNCH at Gennetti's". Gennetti's was on a major highway close to where Sandy lived but approximately 115 miles from where Marie lived.

Sandy was stunned into silence at this request to meet for lunch. Marie broke the silence by saying, "ONE LAST TIME".

She heard a weak O.K. whispered into the phone.

The sisters agreed to meet in approximately two hours. Marie called her neighbor to make arrangements to have her take care of her children when they returned from school.

She tried to reach one of Sandy's children to alert them of their mothers state of mind but no one new where Sandy was.

Marie drove and PRAYED.

When she arrived at Gennetti's, she saw Sandy sitting in her car in the parking lot slumped over the wheel .

OH!!!!!NO!!!!!!, she was too late. OR WAS SHE? As she approached the car, she saw movement. Sandy was crying. As Marie opened the car door, Sandy looked up at her with tearful eyes and said, THANK-YOU FOR CARING.

Sandy never expected Marie simply to listen and then ask to MEET HER FOR LUNCH. To drive such a distance. To show her love.

Something snapped with Sandy and broke the grip of depression with their conversation. It made her think of what would happen to her children. She knew that she could count on Marie to help her through this difficult time. Marie opened up her mind to an option other than suicide by the simple words, MEET ME FOR LUNCH...........

Sandy was able to receive help for her depression with the support of family.

It was not easy raising such a large family by herself but she did it. She lived to see her children marry, have families of their own. She is a Grandmother who never misses a sports game or special event of her Grandchildren. She is loved. She has witnessed many, many successes of her ever growing family.

She never remarried but has a very full, happy life filled with love.

She and Marie live almost 300 miles apart at this time, but they are in contact with one another quite a bit.