May 22, 2010


The breathtaking display in the clear blue sky of southern California on Thursday, May 13 shortly after 12 noon keeps popping up in my mind.

The timing of the young woman talking to me about her Mother and this extraordinary display in the sky was a Grace Moment.

I am a firm believer in signs and messages from the spiritual world. This was not always the case with me. I used to attribute much to strong intuition, common sense etc.

Many things amaze me. And my natural curiosity about the unusual leads me to research. I look for answers. Facts. I explore. I feel like a little child in a candy shop when I learn something new. Eager to share with others.

For some happenings, there are no logical answers................WE SIMPLY BELIEVE OR NOT..................FAITH IS A POWERFUL GIFT.................ALTHOUGH, I have been hit over the head, a few times when I strayed from this belief.

The sky spectacular of the 13th. lead me to asking others what they saw. One woman lives in the desert. Her husband had called her to tell her what he saw at approx. 2:00 P.M. He saw the rainbow colors form a complete circle around the sun.

I googled the rainbow colors and came across a number of pictures posted of rainbow colors in the sky north of where I was. These pictures were taken in the Los Angeles area at approx. 2:00 P. M. None of the pictures were anything like what we witnessed shortly after 12:00 P.M. The colors were fading, formation was drifting.

Then another site brought me to some research about unusual sky activity and the occurrence of earthquakes being done thousands of miles away. They were looking for information of happenings during the time frame in question. Another tid bit to spur my asking questions. One woman that I talked to had experienced an earthquake of slightly over 7 at her home in Carlsbad.

In spite of all my searching for answers and research, I could not find anyone who saw what we saw. I really missed not having my camera that glorious afternoon.

If anyone who reads this can shed some LIGHT on the subject, please contact me.

(Original story: A BURST OF LIGHT)

May 14, 2010


Yesterday was a picture perfect day in sunny Southern California. A great day for a round of golf.

I had a golf lesson at 10:00 A.M.and then was going to play 18 holes. Someone mentioned that there was a class starting at 11:00 titled, Flab to Fab. Oh boy.........I definitely needed some advise in that area and so I put off playing golf.

SOMETHING SPECTACULAR OCCURRED.......................BREATHTAKING............AWESOME..........

The class was very informative and as I was leaving, a young woman walked out with me. She was from Arizona and did a timeshare exchange into this resort. From something that I said in class, she thought that my home timeshare was in Cancun with the same group she belonged to. She asked me about that and we talked about Cancun. I told her that my husband and I celebrated our anniversary there every year until he died.

That conversation turned into SIGNS FROM HEAVEN........George has sent me numerous signs over the past three years since his death.

She wanted to know how long after one dies, that signs are sent. From what I have learned after George died and people share their stories with me, signs are sent all the time but we may not recognize them in our hectic day to day life.

She then told me that her MOTHER died months ago and told her that SHE WOULD SEND A SIGN OF LIGHT.

She did not know how it was supposed to happen.............a ball of light???????????? WHAT TO LOOK FOR...............I simply told her, that when she least expects it, she will get her sign...............

Just then, her sister joined us and sat down on the grass facing us. Her sister looked beyond us to gaze at the beautiful, blue sky...............Look..............turn around and LOOK AT THE SKY...........

There was a burst of light coming from one of the few clouds in the sky and as this burst opened up, beautiful colors of the rainbow flowed out from this the colors flowed, it formed an inverted rainbow across the sky...........

None of us had ever witnessed anything like this before..........there was no rain....

Then her sister said; Mom said that she would send you a sign of light...............There is your sign..............Nothing else had to be said...........We hugged and smiled..............

They tried to locate a camera and I walked away with a smile on my face and great warmth and love in my heart. I continued to look at that beautiful inverted rainbow and that opening in the blue sky.................Then it dawned on me that the inverted rainbow looked just like a big smile.