October 29, 2008


George was scheduled for a heart valve replacement. A friend of his was going to drive him to the hospital in the early morning hours on April 20. He told his wife to see him after the operation and to go back to sleep. He told his daughter, that he would be home in a few days and gave her a big hug.

He was optimistic about the outcome of the operation and was in good spirits.

When his wife arrived at the hospital later that morning, she was told that the operation was taking a little longer than expected.

When the operation was completed, the surgeon called her on a phone in the waiting room and told her that the operation was successful.

Little did she know at that time that 113 days later, her beloved husband would be dead. He never left the hospital. The nightmare of what transpired during those days is too difficult to write about.

George was a fighter and so he overcame one crisis after another. His sons who lived out of state wanted to visit him during this time, but he told them not to fly to New York since he would be coming home soon. He would see them when he was released from the hospital. He talked to them on the phone instead.

George Jr. who lived in California decided that in spite of what Dad was saying, he would take time from work and fly to New York.

After fighting a number of infections, the last one was too much for his body to recover from. One of the doctors called his wife and told her to hurry to the hospital because George would not last the night. She rushed to the hospital and prayed by her husbands' side. Prior to leaving for the hospital, she had her daughter call the Bishop of their diocese to alert him of this crisis.

Marie also called her brother, Joseph to alert him of this crisis. He made immediate flight arrangement to fly in from Michigan. His brother, George Jr. was already in flight from California.

The boys would have been devastated if their father had passed away without them being there and to say good-bye. Even though Dad told them not to visit in the hospital, the pain and sorrow of not seeing him one last time would have been difficult to bear.

George generously volunteered his time to good works all through his lifetime. He worked closely with their Bishop to help others.

Their Bishop was away but his secretary called him and he was able to get to the hospital. He prayed and prayed.

GEORGE DID NOT DIE THAT NIGHT.....................

Much to the amazement of his Doctor, it seemed as if he was going to recover.

The boys arrived in New York and the next day George's entire family was at his side. They laughed, they joked, they had a wonderful time interacting with their Dad. All was right with the world. This went on for several days.

Everyone thought that the crisis had passed and so the boys flew back home.

GEORGE DIED......his wife, daughter and grandson were at his side. They were in a state of shock.

When George's wife called their sons to tell them of their fathers' passing, they could not comprehend his death. He seemed fine.

George's wife is an extremely spiritual woman. She has a strong belief in God. Her faith has pulled her through numerous difficult times. She is the rock and strength of her family.

She simply told them that God had heard our Bishop's prayer and that the time they had to spend with their Dad was GOD'S GIFT TO OUR FAMILY......She did not have to say anything else. They understood.

October 22, 2008



Sandy had called her sister Marie who lived approximately 120 miles away. Sandy had called to say good-bye. She was determined to end her life. She had made an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide several weeks before and it was only a matter of time when she would try again.

Her husband had left her for a much younger woman, who she thought was her friend. His reason was that she was too much of a Mother. She had given birth to seven children prior to her turning 30 years of age.

He spent long hours working to support his family, OR SO SHE THOUGHT.........Many of those hours were spent with other women.

She loved her children but the depression that had set in was so intense that she could think of nothing else but to end her life.

Marie listened to Sandy talk and DID NOT try to talk Sandy out of killing herself. On occasion, Marie would ask a question that had nothing to do with the conversation. This threw Sandy off but she answered the questions. As the conversation was coming to an end, Sandy told her sister good-bye and that she loved her.

Marie then said, "PLEASE MEET ME FOR LUNCH at Gennetti's". Gennetti's was on a major highway close to where Sandy lived but approximately 115 miles from where Marie lived.

Sandy was stunned into silence at this request to meet for lunch. Marie broke the silence by saying, "ONE LAST TIME".

She heard a weak O.K. whispered into the phone.

The sisters agreed to meet in approximately two hours. Marie called her neighbor to make arrangements to have her take care of her children when they returned from school.

She tried to reach one of Sandy's children to alert them of their mothers state of mind but no one new where Sandy was.

Marie drove and PRAYED.

When she arrived at Gennetti's, she saw Sandy sitting in her car in the parking lot slumped over the wheel .

OH!!!!!NO!!!!!!, she was too late. OR WAS SHE? As she approached the car, she saw movement. Sandy was crying. As Marie opened the car door, Sandy looked up at her with tearful eyes and said, THANK-YOU FOR CARING.

Sandy never expected Marie simply to listen and then ask to MEET HER FOR LUNCH. To drive such a distance. To show her love.

Something snapped with Sandy and broke the grip of depression with their conversation. It made her think of what would happen to her children. She knew that she could count on Marie to help her through this difficult time. Marie opened up her mind to an option other than suicide by the simple words, MEET ME FOR LUNCH...........

Sandy was able to receive help for her depression with the support of family.

It was not easy raising such a large family by herself but she did it. She lived to see her children marry, have families of their own. She is a Grandmother who never misses a sports game or special event of her Grandchildren. She is loved. She has witnessed many, many successes of her ever growing family.

She never remarried but has a very full, happy life filled with love.

She and Marie live almost 300 miles apart at this time, but they are in contact with one another quite a bit.


October 19, 2008


I recently received an e-mail that provided a bit of history about the steel covered Bibles. I would like to share this information with you. This e-mail arrived after I had published the story of Patrick Foley's steel covered Bible.

Young soldiers carried the steel covered Bible during WW1. The smaller calibre bullets used during that war could be stopped, however, the larger calibre bullets that were used during WW11 were too much for the thin steel cover that was used on the Bible.

I would like to think that the young men who carried these Bibles believed in the power of prayer and felt the love and prayers of those who gave them the Bible to carry. I hope that this gave them some measure of comfort in their deepest, darkest moments.

In their darkest moments, they could read the powerful words of the Bible. They could feel GOD'S LOVE. I pray and hope that each and every one of these brave men knew that even if the steel covered Bible did not stop the bullet that took their lives, that they knew God was there to welcome them into HIS HEAVENLY KINGDOM when their work on this earth was over. With open arms and a loving heart, HE was there to welcome them HOME.

May God Bless and protect all who fight for our freedom. Freedom to exercise the free will that our Heavenly Father gifted us.

October 14, 2008

Grace Moments by Dolores Martin


During WWII, mothers sent BIBLES that had a steel cover to their sons. Theory was that the Bible would be in his shirt pocket, thus would stop a bullet to the heart.

Beth had one such Bible. Her husband took it from the body of one of his men. He intended to return it to the mother of this brave young man. This was not meant to be.

Beth's husband returned from the war with numerous medals including two Purple Hearts. He also developed tuberculosis overseas. He fought the valiant fight to regain his health but the ravages of war combined with tuberculosis killed him.

Beth was a young widow with two small children. There was little money to support them and so she went to work. She tried to locate the family of the young man and to fulfill her deceased husbands desire to return the Bible with the steel cover to the soldiers family. She was not successful in her endeavor.

In memory of both her deceased husband and the young infantryman, she carried this Bible in her purse for many years and frequently read it.

The inscription inside the cover gave his name and it was signed, With love, mother. His name was Patrick Foley. He was probably Catholic as the Bible also held his scapula.

Beth remarried and her husband, Joe, tried to locate the family of Patrick Foley on and off over the years to no avail.

After over 50 years of marriage, Beth passed away. She took good care of this Bible during her lifetime.

The war has been over for 63 years. Joe recently stopped by the local VFW and asked them for help in locating the family of Patrick Foley. They will try to trace the name for him if possible. They have access to records that were not available to Joe and Beth.

The VFW Commander never saw such a Bible before. He said that they were going to put up a display in front of the Hall for Columbus day. He would like to include the STEEL COVERED BIBLE in their display.

It was really poignant when you opened it up and saw "MOTHER"S HANDWRITING", faded but still legible.

Hopefully, this latest attempt to locate the family of Patrick Foley and return his Bible will be successful.

October 2, 2008


Dan was dying. He was only twenty-four years old. His life was cut short due to a car accident.

His family was grief stricken. Dan tried to console his mother as best he could. He had a deep faith in God and felt that God would welcome him into His Heavenly kingdom. He was prepared for death. As he hugged his mother, he told her that he would find a way to let her know that he was O.K. after death. He told her that he would try to send her a sign in the FORM OF A CROSS.

Dan's girlfriend was at his bedside and heard what he had told his mother.

The day of his funeral, the family had gathered at the funeral home. Jan, his girlfriend, was standing outside with some of his friends. She was crying. Through her tears, she had looked up at the sky.

Before her eyes, three crosses had started to form. WAS THIS THE SIGN FROM DAN?

She rushed into the funeral home and told Dan's mother what she saw. Those who were there, went outside and looked up at the sky. Everyone saw the three crosses.

Everyone was speechless. Everyone was filled with emotion. Everyone felt Dan's love. HE WAS FINE.

The person who told me this story was filled with emotion as he shared this story with me. He will never, ever forget what happened that day.