April 20, 2010


Genealogy is a huge topic of conversation these days. I have a number of friends who have done extensive research and have had favorable results with tracing family. Relatives have been found, friendships forged, a new understanding of family and that overwhelming desire to find out more.

Those who have been able to piece together their family history, leave a great legacy to future generations.

Some people are unable to find much information. Some migrated from parts of the world where records were destroyed during wars, or not kept at all. But the desire to find out about ancestors is strong. Many people travel to the country of their ancestors to search for roots.

This is the story of one family who through a GRACE MOMENT was provided with a clue as to where to search.

Stephanie came from a very large family. As a young girl, her Dad told her a story about family. What she came away with was that the name that she grew up with was not her real name but the name of a family that provided refuge for her ancestors during the time of Napoleon. Relatives that she knew nothing about carried their real name and lived in South America. Relatives who lived in the United-States were known by the name of a family who risked their lives to help her family a long time ago. She was fascinated by what she was told. Now she wants to know more. When time permits. A goal; a future adventure awaits her, as she searches for roots.

Many years ago, her siblings were going to visit POLAND. Stephanie was talked into going on this trip with her relatives. She felt that she could not take time out from her busy schedule to join them but her husband encouraged her to make the trip. It turned out to be an incredible, spiritual experience. Not just for her but also for a number of the people who went on this tour. The following is just one thing that happened.

They visited an out of the way location in Poland. The local Church was notified that 90 Americans would be visiting their area and had planned to attend Mass. Father Grabacik was traveling with them. He was asked to participate in the Mass with the Pastor of this Church and Mass would be said in both English and Polish.

Adjacent to the Church was their cemetery. The tombstones were large flat stones of marble that covered the entire grave. BEAUTIFUL. After strolling through the cemetery prior to Mass, Stephanie turned to see an old woman leaving the cemetery. She looked exactly like her deceased Mother; complete with babushka and similar disability. She had a hard time describing to me what she felt at that moment.............but that was just the beginning.

As she turned to catch up with her siblings, she saw children and teens leaving the Church carrying bouquets of flowers. The were lining up on both sides of the walkway to the Church. As each person from the tour walked to the Church, they were presented with a bouquet of flowers. AN EMOTIONAL AND BEAUTIFUL GESTURE...............expressions of surprise and delight filled every face. All entered the Church. Mass was proceeding in both Polish and English and emotions ran high by all.

Stephanie and her six relatives were participating in the Mass when Stephanie felt warmth flow through her body and a aura emanated from her. Silent tears were flowing from her eyes. She lifted the bouquet of flowers to her face in the hope that no-one would witness the tears. She was happy beyond words, but also slightly embarrassed. This was a first for her and she did not know what to make of this experience.............then the overwhelming feeling...............he was here....her deceased father was there in Church with them. Her nephew turned to her and wanted to know what was happening..................HE IS HAPPY THAT WE ARE HERE, IN THIS SPOT AND WE ARE TOGETHER....YOUR GRANDFATHER is here with us.

Why in this Church, why in this place. Her father had passed away over 20 years before and no one had felt his SPIRIT after his passing. He was a good man and all felt that he was in Heaven but no obvious spiritual connection that was known until now. Was he trying to tell them something...

After Church, Stephanie and her relatives were talking about what happened in Church. Then, her eldest sister remembered being told that the family lived in an area north of Warsaw. This location was north of Warsaw.......Stephanie looked at a map and found a small area several miles from this Church that carried the name that their deceased father had told them was their real name....................

Without a doubt, consensus was that her ancestors walked this area.

Her genealogy search had started.