Recently, I was working in my side garden when I noticed my grandson looking out the window from our three season room. He came outside and exclaimed, do you see the heart? I had such a warm feeling in my heart that he noticed it. I replied, yes I see it and did you also see the little heart? He looked in amazement and said, WOW!!!!!!!!
A couple of weeks prior to this conversation, I looked out the same window and saw this huge heart in my lawn. I was talking to a fellow parishioner on the phone at the time and described what I saw. Anne told me that the heart was a message from George and she suggested many beautiful ideas on how to preserve this quirk of nature. OR IS IT A QUIRK OF NATURE?
At the time that I had spoken to Anne, the big heart was obvious. The little heart above it just came into view a week or so ago. This little heart will eventually be gone but the big one will remain.
You are probably wondering what I am talking about and is this lady hallucinating.
And now the story of how two hearts came into view.
I have over an acre of land as do the neighbors on either side of me. We back up into a forever wild area and a stream that flows from the Visher Ferry Preserve. We do not have fences between the properties. One lawn flows into the other and we compliment one anothers landscaping. Birds and wildlife are all around us.
There were several maple trees and a huge pine tree on the one side of my home. My next door neighbor suggested that the tree closest to his home should be removed before it became too big. It was a stately beauty and I had to ponder long and hard about removing this tree. What he said made sense. During some wicked storms, trees have toppled over and damaged properties. Better to be safe than sorry. There were more trees closer to my house and perhaps it was time for them to go.
My neighbor asked if he could have the trees for firewood and I agreed.
When the trees were removed and the slope graded, it was ready for a new design. I was going to seed the lawn. I was unable to seed the lawn right away because, the felled trees were stacked waiting for Bill to chop the wood. He was away. When he returned, my two neighbors with chain saws in hand worked hard to cut firewood. Sawdust was everywhere.
I had to leave for a few weeks and due to the wood cutting was unable to seed the lawn. I knew weeds would sprout up and discussed this with my neighbor. He told me not to worry, he would seed the lawn and get it started.
I told him that George and I always had a large vegetable and flower garden and that I would like to use some of the side property for that. He was going to leave an area large enough for a garden and seed the rest of the slope.
When I returned home, grass was starting to grow. Without a specific plan, John ( a young man who helps me maintain this property) and I set out to put plants in. John threw additional grass seed down closer to the house.
The big dirt patch was there for me to plant vegetables and flowers.
With the random seeding of the slope by both John and Bill, a huge heart and a little heart formed in the lawn as the grass grew in.
I have planted what George would have planted in the big heart.
George spent most of his time at home enjoying this three season room. He would look out the window while sipping his morning coffee. Now every morning, I sip my coffee while looking out at two hearts and feeling so blessed that George has found a way to brighten my day.
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Parish Blog of St Edward the Confessor
‘Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, not feet but yours; yours are the eyes through which to look at Christ’s compassion to the world, yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good, and yours are the hands with which he is to bless now.’
-St. Teresa of Avila
Showing posts with label Grace Moments. Show all posts Showing posts with label Grace Moments. Show all posts
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Grace Moments by Dolores Martin
Recently, I was working in my side garden when I noticed my grandson looking out the window from our three season room. He came outside and exclaimed, do you see the heart? I had such a warm feeling in my heart that he noticed it. I replied, yes I see it and did you also see the little heart? He looked in amazement and said, WOW!!!!!!!!
A couple of weeks prior to this conversation, I looked out the same window and saw this huge heart in my lawn. I was talking to a fellow parishioner on the phone at the time and described what I saw. Anne told me that the heart was a message from George and she suggested many beautiful ideas on how to preserve this quirk of nature. OR IS IT A QUIRK OF NATURE?
At the time that I had spoken to Anne, the big heart was obvious. The little heart above it just came into view a week or so ago. This little heart will eventually be gone but the big one will remain.
You are probably wondering what I am talking about and is this lady hallucinating.
And now the story of how two hearts came into view.
I have over an acre of land as do the neighbors on either side of me. We back up into a forever wild area and a stream that flows from the Visher Ferry Preserve. We do not have fences between the properties. One lawn flows into the other and we compliment one anothers landscaping. Birds and wildlife are all around us.
There were several maple trees and a huge pine tree on the one side of my home. My next door neighbor suggested that the tree closest to his home should be removed before it became too big. It was a stately beauty and I had to ponder long and hard about removing this tree. What he said made sense. During some wicked storms, trees have toppled over and damaged properties. Better to be safe than sorry. There were more trees closer to my house and perhaps it was time for them to go.
My neighbor asked if he could have the trees for firewood and I agreed.
When the trees were removed and the slope graded, it was ready for a new design. I was going to seed the lawn. I was unable to seed the lawn right away because, the felled trees were stacked waiting for Bill to chop the wood. He was away. When he returned, my two neighbors with chain saws in hand worked hard to cut firewood. Sawdust was everywhere.
I had to leave for a few weeks and due to the wood cutting was unable to seed the lawn. I knew weeds would sprout up and discussed this with my neighbor. He told me not to worry, he would seed the lawn and get it started.
I told him that George and I always had a large vegetable and flower garden and that I would like to use some of the side property for that. He was going to leave an area large enough for a garden and seed the rest of the slope.
When I returned home, grass was starting to grow. Without a specific plan, John ( a young man who helps me maintain this property) and I set out to put plants in. John threw additional grass seed down closer to the house.
The big dirt patch was there for me to plant vegetables and flowers.
With the random seeding of the slope by both John and Bill, a huge heart and a little heart formed in the lawn as the grass grew in.
I have planted what George would have planted in the big heart.
George spent most of his time at home enjoying this three season room. He would look out the window while sipping his morning coffee. Now every morning, I sip my coffee while looking out at two hearts and feeling so blessed that George has found a way to brighten my day.
Posted by Dolores Martin at 4:26 AM 2 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dolores Martin, Grace Moments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Grace Moments by Dolores Martin
Chicago O'Hare Airport
George jokingly asked me not to talk to anyone when he left me alone in the concourse. I tend to unintentionally get involved with people.
We were on a layover on our way to California.
In order to honor his request, I looked for a gate that had no departures listed and was currently empty. We were to fly out of a gate that was close by. All of the adjacent gates were full of passengers except for the one that I was sitting in. Surely, I could stay out of trouble here. FAMOUS LAST WORDS........
I was minding my own business and was reading a book when I heard a loud commotion coming from the just opened elevator.
An attendant was helping an elderly woman in a wheel chair. The woman was upset. She was wheeled to the check-in desk at the gate that was departing to California. I glanced over to where she was and then continued reading.
The stewardess had asked her where she wanted to wait until the flight was ready to leave. She replied in a loud voice, OVER THERE....I could not help but look up and saw her pointing at me. I quickly lowered my eyes and hoped that I had not heard what I thought I did. The concourse was noisy and packed. I was a distance away.
The next thing that I know is that she is right next to me. I ignored her and continued reading. She leaned closer to me and inquired about the book. I decided to put the book down and simply smiled. It was obvious that she wanted to talk. She started to tell me what her problem was and she was agitated.
She had attended a wedding over the week-end in the Detroit area by herself. Her ninety year old husband did not make the trip with her.
She had been removed from the Chicago-California flight the day before because she had experienced heart palpitations. She was taken to a hospital and stayed overnight. This day she was deemed fit to travel but she had no way of getting home once she landed in California.
Her ninety year old husband did not drive. Her Pastor was to pick her up at the airport the night before but was unable to do so this day. Her Pastor was trying to find someone to meet her at the airport when she landed but there was no guarantee. She kept saying over and over, "how am I going to get home".
I calmed her down and told her that I was going to be on her flight. I told her that I would call her Pastor when we landed and stay with her until transportation was arranged for her.
A thought was forming in my head and since I always listen to that inner voice, I followed up on the thought.
I excused myself and walked over to the check-in counter and inquired if anyone knew how far Sun City was from Mennafee. (we were headed to Mennafee). It turned out that the pilot knew the area and told me that Sun City was approximately one hour drive out of our way to Mennafee.
My reason for asking this question was that if her Pastor was not successful in arranging transportation for her, then I would ask George if he would mind driving her home.
I returned to where she was sitting and told her of my conversation with the Captain. She smiled and simply said that she knew that I would stay with her.
I just shook my head and called the flight attendant, who in turn pre-boarded her.
George returned to find me reading and was delighted to see that I was minding my own business and not talking to anyone.
I sheepishly looked up at him and asked, "would you mind driving a little old lady to Sun City, California?" George just burst out laughing and simply said, "of course". He had learned over the years to take things like this in stride. I then told him the story.
When we landed, I called her Pastor and he was unable to arrange transportation for her until much later in the day. I told him that we would take care of her and drive her home.
SHE WAS NOT SURPRISED by the offer and got into the rental car with two perfect strangers.
She was a well spoken woman who was born in Italy and was enjoyable to be with. My curiosity got the best of me and I finally asked her why she had approached me out of the hundreds of people closer to where she was in the concourse.
She looked at me and said that she had been praying to God all night for help and as soon as she saw me, she knew that her prayers were answered.
She told me that I WAS SENT TO HER by GOD.
Her husband was waiting outside when we arrived. We were invited in but had to decline their invitation. She asked me to wait and came back with a hand crochet towel to remind me of her always.
Both she and her husband had tears in their eyes as we drove off.
George and I never forgot that scene and also how we felt from our encounter in Chicago with a delightful Italian lady.
Posted by Dolores Martin at 6:00 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dolores Martin, Grace Moments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Grace Moments by Dolores Martin
Irene lives in an area where a replica of the Pilgrim Virgin travels from house to house. She was a member of the altar-rosary society of her parish and was very excited that the Pilgrim Virgin was coming to her parish. She requested that she be given the privilege of having the Pilgrim Virgin in her home overnight. Her request was granted.
One of her neighbors was in the hospital and was dying. The day that Irene was given the Pilgrim Virgin to take home, she decided to visit her neighbor. She took the Virgin with her and placed it in the woman's hands. Her neighbor held this statue lovingly in her arms for the hour of their visit. They prayed together.
Irene proceeded home and that evening, neighbors would visit the home to pray the rosary.
Irene and Joe had limited funds. Their home was on the market for sale for over six months and their real estate listing had expired. They needed to sell their home.
Irene asked Joe if he had any money. He replied that he had $2.00. She asked if he would purchase daffodils with this money to place in front of the Pilgrim Virgin. He honored her request.
That evening, neighbors, including the spouse of the woman in the hospital came to her home to pray. The spouse of the woman in the hospital told her that his wife was comforted by her hospital visit. He said that it was the best thing to happen to her and she felt at peace. She felt the love of the Blessed Mother and was not afraid of death. He joined in prayer with all those who gathered.
The next day, Irene presented the statue to the next person who was to be a part of the journey of the Pilgrim Virgin.
The day after, Irene received a call from another parishioner who had friends visiting. They would like to see her home. Irene showed these visitors her home and they loved it. Within two days of having the Pilgrim Virgin in her home, her home was sold. Her prayers had been answered.
Posted by Dolores Martin at 6:00 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dolores Martin, Grace Moments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Grace Moments by Dolores Martin
Debbi Martin opened a card on her birthday in November of 1979. There was a check for $25.00 in this card. It was lovingly signed " Love, Poopsie". She exclaimed in total joy to everyone who was around, "Gramps sent me a card from Heaven". The look on her face and the faces of all of us was astonishment and shock. Laughter and joy instantly filled our home.
"Poopsie" was an endearing term that the grandchildren of Joseph Lovendusky tagged on him. They loved him so much and often referred to his quiet "wise words of wisdom". He died in May of 1979 and to this very day, he is spoken of with love, affection, inspiration and fond memories of the gentle man who took them fishing and made them laugh. He was even mentioned not to long ago in the liner notes of a CD by Bang Tango. Kyle is one of his grandsons.
Dad was born in 1900 to parents who were Polish immigrants. He was born and raised on a farm. Discrimation was the norm back in those days and it was difficult to receive an education. He entered first grade, but was constantly sent home for suspicion of lice in the head. (lice was a fact of life for many.) It became obvious after a time when no lice were found in his head that something else was going on. He left school and never finished first grade. (he spoke four languages)
As a teen-ager he became a foreman in a garment factory prior to going into the army to serve in WW1. They did not know that he could not read nor write at the time. Some of the people working for him knew how to read and write and so he had them do all of the paperwork. He got the actual work done.
When he returned from France, he received three months of schooling. He tested on the third grade level and from that point on was self taught. He became a carpenter. He had never built anything before but he got a contract to build a house. The house was like another already in the area and so he would go to the existing house, measure things and built his first house. In later years, he told me that he would dream how to build, do electical work, engineering, concrete work etc. He was brillant as far as I was concerned and we never questioned his expertise.
He grew in the building business and actually built most of the houses around us in the Mayflower section of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. The depression wiped out the business because people could not pay him for the homes that he built. People did not have jobs. Pop did not get upset when he was not paid for his work. He simply said that they could not pay and that was that. No discussions of foreclosure. He and Mom simply stated that God would provide. "AND GOD DID!!!!!" Their story is book length.
They had such a simple faith. They also had an open door policy. No one who was in need was ever turned away. Mom stated that you never knew if the one knocking on your door, was CHRIST IN DISGUISE. We were seven children, but Mom and Dad raised many more without help from government sources etc. They found a family of six children living in a train box car and brought them home to stay for as long as needed. I jokingly told my husband that when I left home as a teenager that no one noticed that I was gone with all that was going on in our household.
I have always considered myself blessed to have been raised by Joe and Liz Lovendusky. They never told us that they loved us. They did not hug us. They did not have to. We KNEW that we were loved; we felt it by all of their actions. They worked very hard to provide not just for our family but for numerous families in the area. They provided jobs for women who lost their husbands to the ugly black lung disease from working in the coal mines. They were love personified. They lived their faith. We learned by example. Mom was a cripple. She also weighed over 300 pounds and yet while she was dying of cancer, neighbors streamed into our home to say good-bye to her. One blind woman, who was being led out the door by her daughter had tears in her eyes. I asked her why she was crying. She said to me "your Mother is dying and she is concerned about me. (the blind woman) She also told me "your Mothers HEART is bigger than she is". Mom died in 1968.
How do we feed our family? Mom knew how to make hand loomed rugs from rags. Dad built her a weaver. People would brings their rags to her and she would weave them into rugs. People who needed to feed their families would ask Dad to build another weaver so they could make rugs. Before they knew it, LOVENDUSKY RUG CO. was started. This became a family venture. Hand loomed rugs were eventually distributed throughout a three state area. Lives were changed. Their legacy is far reaching and Liz and Joe left this earth a little better place for being here. I marveled at their simple, unwaivering belief that God would provide. GOD did not let them down. There is so much more, but that will be for another time.
I started with a birthday card from Heaven. As with all of my stories, I never know when they will end or what path they will take. I simply write what I feel from my heart. I hope that people who read these stories will forgive me for rambling on.
Mom and Dad shared with everyone who needed a helping hand. As a result, little money was saved. When Dad died, he had approximately $3,000 in his bank account. My oldest sister, Marie, who is generous to a fault had access to this account. She knew Dad's heart and so began BIRTHDAY cards from HEAVEN signed "Love, Poopsie".
Posted by Dolores Martin at 6:00 AM 0 comments Links to this post
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Thursday, June 12, 2008
Grace Moments by Dolores Martin
Be proud that you are a Catholic.
"Sam Miller, prominent Cleveland businessman, who is Jewish, not Catholic is fighting mad about the concentrated effort by the media to denigrate the Catholic Church in this country".
One of my friends from the Midwest e-mailed me with excerpts from a speech that Mr. Miller had given at the City Club of Cleveland in March. I was preparing to write a warm, fuzzy Grace Moment article when my thoughts were redirected. I listen to my inner voice. Ecumenism, evangelizing, reach out and touch someone, make a difference, peace be with you and so much more were buzzing in my head.
We are at a crossroads in our world. "Each one of us is a vital thread in another persons tapestry; our lives are woven together for a reason". I am not one to try to convert anyone with words. As far as I am concerned, actions speak louder than words. I live my faith. I wear a specific cross everyday. This particular cross brings people to me on a daily basis. Strangers comment on it. When that happens, dialogue is exchanged in a positive non-threatening manner. I find that people want to talk about Faith. Whether we agree or disagree with the specifics, the important thing is that we are engaging in dialogue and learn from one another.
We in the Albany Diocese had the opportunity to attend a meeting of Muslim-Catholic dialogue at the College of St. Rose last week. The forum was well attended. Two days later, there was a meeting for the Jewish-Catholic dialogue committee at St. Clare's. There were people of other religions in attendance as well. We all have strong beliefs, but here we are gathering together and sharing what we have in common and reaching out to one another with respect for one another and love for all of God's people.
I thanked my friend from the Mid-West for sending me the story of Sam Miller who in his speech reminded those in attendance about all the good things that Catholics do and are to be commended for. How many other countries in this world would you find a Jewish businessman speaking out to defend the Catholic Church? He is calling for broad based ecumenical councils to be formed to address the issues that affect us all.
It is only by dialogue and understanding of one another that we can all come together for the greater good. We are all God's children. We are all connected in some way. Think about it!!!!!
"What is essential is that each of us steps forward to hold out our hand to someone. There is no other way to walk with God". Boy!! he and I think alike. I would love to meet Sam Miller one day to simply chat.
Pat Hathaway, my friend from the Mid-West, in responding to my thanks, wrote the following: "I would love to know more about the Muslim Faith. All we hear is about the radicals and of course we have no Muslim people here and very few Jewish so not much input of a useful nature."
Pope Paul VI, on Pentecost Sunday, 1964, instituted a special department of the Roman Curia for relations with the people of other religions. This department is called the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. (PCID) There is another Commission called the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Both promote dialogue.
"Dialogue is a two-way communication. It implies speaking and listening, giving and receiving, for mutual growth and enrichment. It includes witness to one"s own faith as well as an openess to that of the other. It is not a betrayal of mission of the Church, nor is it a new method of conversion to Christianity. This has been clearly stated in the encyclical letter of Pope John Paul II "Redemptoris Missio"
Through dialogue and understanding, seeds are planted for good will toward our fellowman. Taking up the banner and speaking out, when as in the case of Sam Miller, he spoke out when he felt that the Catholic Church was being unfairly attacked for a serious problem that is a crime committed by individuals. Individuals outside of the Catholic Church are guilty of similiar crimes and/or abuse of power. He presented statistics to support his words.
I could write volumes about what he spoke about but there is limited space in this blog. One can access his speech through google. I found the article titled Kangaroo Journalism, well worth reading.
We live in a fast paced world. Many people do not have the time to attend meetings for specific dialogue but one can incorporate understanding and communication in your daily life. A simple smile, a hug, opening a door for someone is reaching out.
We had the opportunity to live in a melting pot of ethnic groups while living in Michigan. This was a new world to me and a great learning experience. I learned so much about cultures that I had never even heard of before. Also, about how women were treated in these cultures.
We lived in an affluent neighborhood of peoples from different parts of the world. The neighbor on one side of me spoke Chinese. The neighbor on the other side spoke Arabic. we communicated for years. It was only when we were moving to Colorado, that I found out that they did not understand even one word of English. They were homemakers who did not venture out much. I chattered like a magpie with them. I smiled and pantomimed. They did the same. We laughed, helped one another as neighbors and communicated. They thought that I understood their language as they spoke. We spoke the universal language of the heart and the message came through.
I started this article with "Be proud that you are a Catholic", this is a quote from Sam Miller. I would like to thank Sam Miller for sharing his thoughts in his speech in Cleveland. I would also like to add to people of all Faiths; to be proud of your kind hearts and your reaching out to your fellowman as God hopes that His children will do. He loves us all.
Sam Miller spoke in Cleveland, but because of the internet, his message is far reaching. He has touched many hearts and have made people think. I am going to end my writing with another part of his speech.
"Walk with your shoulders high and your head higher. Be a proud member of the most important non-government agency today in the United-States. Then remember what Jeremiah said: "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is and walk in it, and find rest for your souls." And be proud, speak up for your faith with pride and reverence and learn what your Church does for all other religions. Be proud that you are a Catholic.
Posted by Dolores Martin at 7:00 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dolores Martin, Grace Moments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Grace Moments by Dolores Martin
Pictures of the heart; forever embedded in my memory.
Thirty plus years ago, we purchased several weeks of time-share in Cancun, Mexico. We celebrated our anniversary there every year. Jokes were made that the reason our marriage lasted so long was that neither of us wanted to miss our yearly trip to Cancun.
After a time, we no longer felt the need to take a camera. We had numerous pictures of this beautiful area. Friends would also send us pictures that they took.
I have a polaroid camera at my home for the exclusive use of little children who visit my home. They love to take instant pictures and watch them develop. This camera is bulky and takes up too much valuable space in a suitcase. I would not consider taking such a camera with me if I wanted pictures.
I had just completed packing for our trip and just squeezed another book in my suitcase. As I was getting ready to close my case, I had a nagging feeling about taking my polaroid camera. I dismissed this thought and closed my suitcase. The thought persisted and it seemed as if the camera was calling out to me. Take me.....take me. The feeling was so intense that I rearranged my bag to accommodate this bulky camera and four packs of film.
Over the years, I have learned to listen to my inner voice and felt that there was going to be a good use for this camera.
Friends of mine from Michigan were visiting this year and on the spur of the moment, they decided to hire a guide to explore areas outside of the normal tour areas. They invited me to join them. We would be gone for two days. Ha! I had a camera to take with me. George stayed behind to work on his tan and the three of us took off with
Henry, a guide who I could write another story about.
We set out for the small colonial city of Valladolid where we would stop for lunch prior to exploring areas around the many small villages that dot this Mayan area approximately 90 miles away from Cancun. The city dates back to the early days of the Spanish Conquest and was built out of stone in the 1500's. One should set their watches back several hundred years to fully appreciate this city. It is my understanding that the Spanish government has deemed Valladolid as one of the most authentic Spanish cities in the Americas and has granted money to aid in its preservation.
There are approximately seven Cathedrals in the eight barrios of the city. One of the most famous Cathedrals in the Yucatan is located in this city. I am very interested in old Churches, some of which date back to 1570. My friends do not share this interest and wandered the park area that surrounded the Church that I was going to visit. As I entered the courtyard of the Church, a small girl approached me to offer her handmade bracelets for sale. I purchases one from her and as an afterthought, I pulled my polaroid from my backpack and took her picture. Her eyes popped out when she saw the picture slide out. I showed it to her. She was disappointed and said it was ruined. I told her to watch. As her picture developed, she was astonished and said, "magic". She had never witnessed anything like this before. I could hear her repeating; magic, magic as I entered the Church.
It was time to leave the Church and meet my friends. I exited the Church and small children swarmed all over me from every direction! Magic, magic, magic. All were yelling magic!!!!!
Ron, Regina and Henry witnessed this and said it reminded them of a scene from "The Birds".
I gained control over these little ones and lined them up. I then led them to a sunny spot in order to take their pictures. Regina told me that I looked like the Pied Piper. There were 37 children. I took a picture of every child and gave it to them to take home. The looks, the smiles, the joy, the sharing of their pictures with their friends was a heartwarming scene that remains in my heart. Our guide, Henry, told me that these children came from poverty and there are no pictures in their homes. He told me that the pictures that I had taken will be put in a place of honor in their homes and that these children will always remember me.
We left Valladolid and headed toward a small village to see how they lived. Henry made arrangements with a family to spend time with us. They lived in a hut with a thatched roof, dirt floors, no running water or electricity. The furniture consisted of hammocks for sleeping, wood stumps for sitting and eating on. A little pig was running about our feet.
A woman who was in her 50's lived there with her daughter and her family. She was resting in the hammock and tried to get up to offer me the hammock to sit in while I was there. I refused her generous offer. I thought that she was 80 to 90 years old. Her one leg was turning black and blue and had vicious bites on it. She had been mauled by a dog. Her leg was in serious condition. No medicine, no Doctor, no help.....
Regina had medical supplies with her. She helped this woman as best she could and left her supplies with this family.
We left the hut and walked the property with the owner who was carrying her infant as she showed us how she washed clothes. Her area for washing was a hollowed out log. She had a line to hang clothes. Clothes were neatly hung and extremely clean. Her clothes were white and immaculate. She had a large rock to pound on. She showed us her source of water in the back and her wood buckets.
It was time to leave and Henry said that the family would be happy if we left 3 pesos each with them. THREE pesos!!!!!!That was nothing. They would have been happy with three pesos!!! He asked me if I had any polaroid film left. I told him that I did. He said that instead of giving them three pesos, the family would be eternally grateful if I would take a picture of their family to put in their hut.
There was a small Catholic mission school in the area and two of their children would be coming home soon. We agreed to stay until the children came home. I would then take two family pictures. That was the end of my film.
We heard singing and laughter and the children and their friends walked into the hut. They wore school uniforms. Their white blouses were gleaming bright. (remember the hollowed out log for washing clothes?)
With the family gathered together, I took their pictures. You would think that I had given them a bag of gold by their reaction.
I had the empty cartridge and was going to put it into the trash barrel when Henry approached me. He asked if I would permit the family to keep the empty cartridge to use as a toy.
We left more than three pesos with them........After a number of hugs and kisses and smiles and tears, we left for Merida, where we had planned to stay the night.
The reason for that intense inner voice that prompted me to take this camera was now clear. This was a Grace Moment. I did not bring even one of those forty pictures physically home with me, but the pictures of all of the children and the family remain very vivid in my mind. I still get a warm fuzzy feeling whenever I think of this spur of the moment trip. Henry kept talking about the pictures and what they meant to the children and their families. He said that they would always remember us.
Posted by Dolores Martin at 7:00 AM 2 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dolores Martin, Grace Moments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Grace Moments by Dolores Martin
This is an exciting time of the year for many young people who are graduating from high school. Marla, my daughter-in-law and friend is putting together a scrapbook on life for my grandson to take with him as he ventures off into the world.
Marla has asked family and friends to write a letter to Dustin to include in this book. She has asked us to share life's lessons with him. She posed questions for us to answer. I would like to share my letter to Dustin with you.
We find many grace moments in words. My wish is that some of what I have written will be of benefit to someone.
Dear Dustin,
This is a very important time in your life. At your age, I was not sure what I wanted to be when I grew up. I just knew that if I worked hard, continued my education, looked at the glass half full instead of half empty, I would succeed.
I grew up in a coal mining area. My home was close to the entrance of a mine. Continuing education was a lofty dream for a man yet alone a woman at that time. Many of the men died from black lung disease from working in the mines.
I started to work after graduation as a bookkeeper and attended Wilkes College in the evening. I completed my work two hours earlier than my predecessor. since I was being paid for the day, I looked for work to do around the office. I started cleaning, etc. The owner of the company took me aside and asked when I had time to study for class. I replied that I had little to no time to study and I was carrying a twelve credit schedule.
He told me to stop cleaning the office. I was told to use that time to study for class and he gave me a RAISE in salary. He recognized my conscientious effort. One never knows who is watching what we do and our attitude when we do it.
I worked my way through college as a waitress. I learned another valuable lesson during this time. A very large group of people did not leave me a tip. They were a difficult group to wait on. I served them well and was disappointed. I hid my disappointment and simply smiled as I continued my work. They were WATCHING my reaction without my knowing it. One of their group came back in and gave me an extremely large tip and then offered me an opportunity to travel in Europe as a governess.
That lesson helped me to deal with very difficult people in life. I repeat, "you never know who is watching you".
A lawyer was watching me handle a very difficult situation with dignity and hard work. He was clerking for a Judge who was reviewing candidates for a position as a Commissioner for the State of New York. This lawyer recommended me to Judge Ingrassia. I was appointed a Commissioner of Condemnation Proceedings for the State of New York. This was a long way from a coal mining area.
Grampa grew up on a small farm in upstate New York. He pitched hay and milked cows prior to going to school everyday. He joined the Air Force when he was seventeen. It was a great experience for him. I just found out recently that he helped to build a Church in Japan at this time.
When Grampa completed his tour of duty, the only work that he could find was as an orderly in a mental institution. He decided to go to college on the GI bill. He became a social study teacher and a baseball coach. His work came to the attention of someone from the New York Times and that was the start of a great career in the newspaper business.
We met in college. We married in college.
We were the right choice for one another. Together as a team, as equals who respected one another and helped one another grow, we accomplished so much in life. The lesson for you to learn here is to make sure that the people that you choose to be a part of your life, help you to grow. If they truly care for you, they will inspire you to be the best that you can be.
Gramps and I had absolutely no money when we started our life together but we never considered ourselves poor. We simply did without material things. Our first home was a 10X40 trailer that was bursting at the seams with the best thing that we possessed. Love and respect for one another. We tried very hard never to go to bed or leave the house on an angry word. We started every day with; "I love you and have a good day".
We also tried to treat everyone that we met with kindness and good will. Most people respond to this but not all. Some people that you meet are ___________. People who act like the word that I omitted have a problem and it is their problem not yours or ours. Do not let those people get you down.
Respect yourself. Keep yourself healthy in mind, body and soul. God is a very important part of my life. I go to Church on a regular basis and the common union of my Church has gotten me through tough times. George did not attend Church on a regular basis but he lived his faith and treated his fellowman as God asked him to. Bishop Hubbard honored your Grandfather for his good works with the Circle of Hope Award.
We loved to dance. We loved to laugh. We walked in the rain. We fished together and camped together. We dug in the garden together. Life was never dull and boring. And of course our thirty years in Cancun together.
The greatest gifts that we gave to one another were our children. They were and still are the most important people in our lives. I say our lives and not just my life because he is still a part of our life and watching out over us from heaven.
Through every life some rain must fall. We learn and develop character from how we handle the difficult times in our lives. Life is not perfect. Health is not perfect. Try to develop a positive attitude during the bad times. Turn lemons into lemonade.
If you make a mistake, correct it and forgive yourself. Respect and love yourself. Respect and love your family and others.
Try to leave this earth a little better than you found it.
I try to learn from my mistakes. Sometimes my ego gets the best of me and I say the wrong thing. I am working very hard to listen more and talk less. George did not have this problem. He was a great, caring man. He was a man of humility. He was able to get his message across without a lot of words. My father was this way and he left an excellent legacy with his wise words. Sometimes less is better if the right words are said.
Always try to strive for balance in your life. We worked hard and we played hard. We were fortunate in that the decisions we made in life produced excellent results. I do not have to work if I do not want to and could just goof off and play. WHAT A BORING LIFE THAT WOULD BE. That is also a selfish life. Life is so much more rewarding if you help others. As long as you keep balance in your life, you can have it all.
One is never too old to learn.
COMMON SENSE. Use it well and it will serve you well.
I have learned from constructive criticism in my life. Know the difference between when people are being mean and critical and when they truly care for you and give you constructive criticism because they love you. They do not want to see you get hurt by doing the wrong thing. Mike has given me some of the best constructive criticism. He has my best interest at heart and I have learned from him.
Have a good sense of humor. Laugh at yourself.
Do not get hung up on the material world. Do not try to keep up with the Jones. Work hard and good things will happen. George and I are good examples of that. We worked for everything that we have. We had a good time along the way.
We laughed and cried with our children. Family is important. Make good memories.
It is EASIER to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble. Learn from others mistakes. I tend to be lazy. I watch others make mistakes and work hard to correct their mistakes. I try to learn from their mistakes. Then I can be lazy and not work so hard. The time that I save by doing this is put to good use and has rewarded me with a good life and financial stability.
What do I wish that I could redo? Listen to my children more when they were younger when they saw things that I did not see. I looked at the world through rose colored glasses and that is not always reality.
Career wise. George and I accomplished far more than we ever dreamed. We knew that we would have a good life together. We were soul mates. Our meeting was an instant grace moment. We just knew that good things would happen if we worked together and if the family cooperated with each other. Deb, Mike and Chris were all part of this success.
Be the best that you can be and good things will happen.
Grandma Dolores
Posted by Dolores Martin at 7:00 AM 1 comments Links to this post
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Thursday, May 22, 2008
Grace Moments - by Dolores Martin
Be careful what you wish for. The woman who spoke those words was smiling ear to ear. One could feel the joy in her heart. She looked at me and said, "have you heard the story?"
Sharon and Bob had just retired. They are a vital and good looking couple. They planned well for their retirement years. Life was good but there was a void in their lives. No grandchildren. Sharon wishes for a grandchild.
They have two children. Ken is a young man who was just starting out in life. Their daughter is a successful professional who is in a loving, solid marriage. Their daughter and son-in-law want a family but have not been blessed with a child.
Wishes and prayers are for a grandchild to make their retirement years more fulfilling.
The mailman arrived. Sharon checked her mail and opened a card. The card was an invitation to a baby shower. The young woman was expecting twins. Sharon did not know the young woman and was curious as to why she was invited to a baby shower.
She contacted the person who had sent her this invitation and asked how she knew this woman and the reason for the invitation.
Finally a reply. The baby shower is for your grandchildren!
Ken had not told his parents that he was to become a father.
Sharon had accepted the invitation to the baby shower and was anxious to meet the woman who would give birth to her grandchildren.
Where was Ken? What does he have to say. I was not privy to the conversation that took place between mother and son. What I do know is that Ken stepped up to the plate and made it be known that he wanted to be a part of the twins lives. Sharon and Bob wanted to be a part of the twins lives.
Sharon attended the baby shower and she and Ashley hit it off right away. Sharon made it perfectly clear that Ashley would not have to raise the twins on her own. She wanted her to know that they would provide unconditional love to the babies.
Ashley comes from a large, supportive family. She knew that she would have the support of her family. There were divorces but the extended families worked together for the sake of the children. Her grandmother comes from strong, faithful stock and no matter how tough things were for this family on many an occasion, they worked together to survive. Grandmother was ALWAYS there. Family sticks together.
What a blessing. Not only did Ashley have her supportive family during this time but Sharon and Bob were a blessing in disguise.
Sharon and Bob received additional good news. Their daughter was now pregnant.
After the twins were born, Ken and Ashley spent much time talking. It soon became obvious that they were exploring a future together. Ashley did not want to rush into a marriage just for the sake of getting married. They had things to work out. Over time, love flourished. Both young people found themselves and were ready to commit to a lifetime together. There were obstacles to overcome but with the support and encouragement of family, the obstacles diminished.
They were married last June. The twins, a girl and a boy were in the bridal party. Ken and Ashley were radiant. Mother and toddler looked beautiful in their gowns, Ken and his son looked handsome in their tuxedo's.
Ken's sister had given birth to a healthy baby. The baby was just beginning to walk. She also became pregnant again and had a healthy newborn.
The picture that remains in my head is of twins rushing to hug Sharon while her daughter was approaching her with a little one just learning to walk. To complete the picture, Sharon's son-in-law walked by with a newborn resting on his shoulder.
Sharon was laughing, she was loving, she was hugging her grandchildren.
Their retirement was complete. She wished for a healthy grandchild and was blessed with four.
She laughed when she said, "be careful what you wish for."
I talked to Ashley's grandmother prior to writing this story. She told me that Ken and Ashley were perfect for one another. Their marriage was doing well. The children were healthy. She said that they were meant for one another but that they did not know it when they started this round about way to marriage and a family. Their children and marriage are the best thing to have happened to both of them.
FAMILY...........FAITH............WORKING TOGETHER............PRAYER and EXTRA-ORDINARY "GRANDMOTHERS" of strong faith.
Posted by Dolores Martin at 7:00 AM 0 comments Links to this post
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Thursday, May 15, 2008
Grace Moments - by Dolores Martin
"America the Beautiful". Katherine Lee Bates ascended Pikes Peak in
Colorado and was inspired to write this song. The breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and the sweeping plains are awe inspiring.
Irene and Nadine Katyl wanted to experience the beauty and majesty of this mountain. Irene reminded me of our trip to Pikes Peak.
We decided to drive to the top of the mountain instead of going by way of the Pikes Peak Cog Railway. This 19 mile highway is only paved part way. The rest of it has hair pin curves and there were no guard rails at the time of our trip. We were at an altitude of over 14,000 feet above sea level. I have a fear of heights and was sitting on the passenger side going up the mountain. This gave me a good view of open sky and a long drop off the road. I wished that I had been hiding in the back of a camper truck with my head covered by a pillow as I had been on my way back from the continental divide.
We were approaching a curve on a narrow part of the road and one could only see open sky in front of us. Looking out the side window also was blue sky and a huge drop to the bottom of the mountain. Where was the rest of the road?
Irene and Nadine are usually very talkative. Our conversations are usually quite lively. Nadine shows no fear unlike myself.
As we progressed up the mountain, there was silence in the car. We were wishing that we had taken the train. No amount of Hail Mary's and Our Father's put our fears to rest on this road. We just wanted to be off the mountain. Please God, get us down safely. We had hoped that the return road would not be as steep. What wishful thinking.
We arrived at the top and saw other nervous people. The people who took the train were more relaxed. Many of us purchased worry stones. These are stones to press your fingers into instead of pressing your sweaty palms into your knees as I did.
The majesty and beauty of Pikes Peak was breathtaking. We reflected on Gods beauty. This was an awesome experience.
Now it was time to leave the mountain. We all wanted to take the train back down, but someone had to drive the car.
We placed ourselves in God's hands for a safe return to the bottom of the mountain.
One is advised to use your lowest gear to allow your engine to brake your vehicle. Don't ride your brakes; this will cause them to overheat and cause problems. HEY!!!! tell that to the other drivers who are not nervous.
We made it to the bottom. Sweaty hands, nervous people. The car SEEMED to be fine.
The next day we were off to Vail. This is an easy mountain road. On occasion, one can find a spot to pull over if you have a problem.
On the way down this mountain, our power steering was failing and our brakes went. There was an area for runaway trucks that we were able to veer into. We were able to come to a stop without incident.
A truck driver offered help and George went into Vail with him. Irene, Nadine and I were to wait for George to return with a tow truck.
We exited the car and looked across the highway. We could not believe our eyes. There was a blazing golden cross directly across from us on the mountain side.
We finally came to realize that this was a huge stand of aspen trees. Their leaves turn a brilliant yellow during the Fall season.
Was this God's way of telling us that He heard our prayers at Pikes Peak? He got us safely to the bottom of the mountain the day before. We shudder to think of power steering and brake failure on that road.
The car had problems and He guided us to a spot where we could safely break down.
God works in mysterious ways. He is always there for us. Many times, it may seem as if He does not hear our prayers and bad things happen to good people. Loved ones die. We see them suffer. Health fails. Tragedies occur.
How we handle the bad times in our lives define our character. We may become stronger or we may break down. Those of us who are fortunate enough to become stronger need to embrace those who need help.
God has helped me down from many a mountain. This one was simply called Pikes Peak.
Posted by Dolores Martin at 10:30 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dolores Martin, Grace Moments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Grace Moments - by Dolores Martin
Anonymous wrote the following in response to last Thursday’s Grace Moment article. “Please don’t leave us hanging! I await the rest of the story”.
I was not sure if I was going to write about REVELATION because the story has many twists and turns but anonymous has encouraged me to go on with what happened when I went to our home in Cape Cod to face the reality of my husbands death.
I had never been alone for even one night since George passed away. Friends of mine who live in western Pennsylvania called me and offered to help me organize the house in Cape Cod to prepare it for sale. They knew that I did not want to be alone, especially there. That was our retirement home. I went there to face reality and also to sell the house.
When I pulled into the driveway, my cell phone rang. It was Ron and Regina calling to tell me that they were caught in a storm. They made wrong turns , got lost, etc. They had to pull over in a city called Wilkes-Barre, Pa. to stay the night and would not arrive until morning. I WAS TO BE ALONE. I also grew up in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Coincidence!
This is a couple who travel extensively both in and out of the country and this is the first time that I can recall that they ever got lost.
Before I entered the house, neighbors came over to welcome me back and offer their love and support. One couple invited me to stay with them overnight until my friends arrived. I talked to them in my drive way and could not contain my silent tears.
DOLORES! You are a big girl, face reality….Those words popped up into my head and so I declined the kind invitation to stay with neighbors.
I was visibly shaken as I entered the house. Immediately, a sense of calm came over me.
Prior to this time, I had insomnia but I planned to read a boring book that would put me to sleep if possible. I realized that I left that book at home. (written by a catholic theologian). I needed to rest and had a busy day ahead of me so I decided to go to bed without reading.
I was sitting up in bed and turned the light off. Before I snuggled between the sheets, I saw movement at the foot of the bed.. A cloud of sorts started to form and spread the full width of the bed. Instead of freaking out, I found myself very calm and peaceful as I watched whatever it was rolling toward me. Half way up the bed, the cloud shifted to my right and there was George!!!!!!!
He was younger and looked as he did in his prime when he was often mistaken for a movie star. (ask me the Robert Mitchum story when you see me) He was smiling , he was happy and no longer in pain. We were communicating. He communicated (no verbal sounds) to me that his work on this earth was finished, but there was much left for me to do. He also did not want me to sell the house . This was the most wonderful experience of my life. Words are inadequate for what I was experiencing.
I heard the doorbell and communicated to George that I would be right back. When I opened the door, I saw Lori and her mother. At this point, I realized that I had slipped into a dream state and that George was gone.
Lori and her mother were back in Clifton Park. George had not seen Lori in over 20 years. Lori was our son Chris’s, high school sweetheart when we lived in West Bloomfield, Michigan. They went their separate ways after high school. While attending Mass at St. Edwards when we moved to Clifton Park, I felt someone familiar and looked around the Church and there was Lori. She now lives in Clifton Park. George always liked Lori but they never bumped into one another in Clifton Park. I saw Lori on occasion at St. Edwards.
When Lori heard about George, she was there for our son and our family. The comfort and support that she provided during this time was so special. George saw this from Heaven and she was part of the revelation.
I did not sell the house. I am at peace there. I have wonderful neighbors who watch over this little house in the woods when I am not there.
Bishop Hubbard told me last October that George was playing golf with God; I replied that he was also cooking with Jesus. I take comfort in those words.
Many business strategies are mapped out on a golf course. My life has taken on a new, unexpected direction since George passed away. I feel the presence of God and George quite a bit. I wonder if they are conspiring on that golf course in the sky and directing my path.
George was cremated. We did not make final resting plans prior to his death. His cremated remains were at Emerick Funeral Home. Kelly Sanvidge knew my state of mind and told me that when I was ready, he would help me with George’s burial. Kelly organized an elegant celebration of George’s life at his viewing in August. He thought of things that I did not. I frankly was not thinking and totally numb. Between Bishop Hubbard, Father Lanese and Kelly; they gave George a grand send off. The Air Force Honor guard was even at the Church and the young man who played taps in the gathering area outside the Church did a wonderful job as the honor guard took the flag from George’s coffin and presented it to me.
Kelly told me to think about having George entombed in the Columbarium Wall at the Saratoga National Cemetery. Upon return from the Cape, I called Kelly and told him that I was now ready to lay George to rest and for him to pick a date. I then left for New York City for a gathering of New York Times people in Gramercy Park for a final toast to George. These people found out about his death after the fact and wanted to pay their respect.
Kelly called me with a date, it was Nov. 1.….All Saints Day.
I was notified by the cemetery when the final engraving was complete for George on the Columbarium Wall.
George loved hummingbirds. He planted many flowers to attract hummingbirds.
I stood by the Columbarium wall fingering the engraving and talking to George. Just then a hummingbird hovered for while over the wall and then flew away.
Posted by Dolores Martin at 3:31 PM 1 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dolores Martin, Grace Moments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Grace Moments - by Dolores Martin
John was a 65 year old widower. He was devastated after the death of his wife of 30 years. She was much younger and in excellent health throughout the years of their marriage. She was a beautiful, successful woman who traveled extensively with him.
Upon the return from a trip, she felt unexplained pain and went for a check-up. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She showed tremendous courage during this time and tried to prepare John for life without her. She wanted him to remarry. She knew that he should not be alone and so she told a number of her much younger friends what a catch he would be for some lucky woman.
He had encouraged her to be all that she could be at the beginning of their marriage and she had earned her doctorate degree. Her career flourished.
One of her friends - Ann, saw that John was drinking heavily. She became very concerned and helped him during this time. She was even younger than his deceased wife.
He insisted that he would not remarry, but as time went by, John married Ann. He told me that she had saved his life. He was extremely happy.
He, once again, encouraged the woman in his life to become all that she could be and she entered college to complete her degree. He also influenced my life and my career.
They were only married a short time when he required surgery. Days after surgery, she was attending class and something hit her like a lightning bolt. She told her professor that her husband was dying. She rushed to the hospital.
Upon arrival, she was told that everything was fine with her husband and that he was resting peacefully. She insisted that he was dying. The staff considered her a hysterical wife. The monitor, hooked up to her husband showed that all was fine. She was not taken seriously. This beautiful, feisty, Irish gal, took matters into her own hands and finally got through to someone to take a closer look at her husband.
CODE BLUE...........her husband was dying! The monitor was malfunctioning and while her husband appeared to be sleeping, he was actually unconscious. He was rushed into surgery. He would have died if not for her intervention. He was near death and bleeding internally. She saved his life once again.
While visiting them, I saw a guardian angel in a gift shop. I purchased it and gave it to her. Twice she had saved his life and I had never seen him happier.
She received her degree and was offered an excellant position but turned it down. John was much older and they wanted to make every moment of their life together special. He told me that they planned something special to do every day. The position that she was offered required travel and she did not want to be away from him.
He had a few other GRACE MOMENTS and because of another episode, he was asked to speak to a class of medical students. He became very good friends with his Doctor.
They were married less than 10 years when he died.
He loved mountain laurel and searched for it while hiking in the mountains of his adopted state. He could not find any. I hiked with him one day and no mountain laurel was to be seen.
He requested to be cremated and that his remains be buried in the mountains of the area that he grew to love. His Doctor wanted to be a part of his burial and told Ann that he knew of a location in the mountains that overlooked their home. It was out of the way and a long hike.
While approaching this spot, there was a large, beautiful stand of MOUNTAIN LAUREL!
Prior to his death, he knew that his time on this earth was coming to an end. In his letters to me, I knew that he was saying good-bye. He told me that he had lived a full life and was prepared to meet his Heavenly Father when the time came.
Upon entering the hospital for the last time, he was told that he would be required to be hooked up to life support for the rest of his life. He lived life well and did not want to be kept alive by artificial means. After discussing his feelings with his family, the decision was made to remove life support.
His youngest daughter, from his first marriage, was at his bedside. He asked her to get him a glass of milk. He rarely drank milk. He stated that Mom (her deceased grandmother) told him that it was good for him. After the milk, he asked for a cup of coffee. She brought the coffee and said to him, "are you having coffee with Gramps?" He smiled and said yes. They are here for me. Then he passed away.
He was very close to his uncle who was just a few years older. His uncle took his death hard.
A few years later, his uncle died. I called to express my condolences to his aunt. I told her about what I had heard about John's last moments. She was comforted by the story and told me that her husbands last word was, "John".
I simply stated that John was there to help him cross over. That was her thought as well.
When my husband was in the hospital, I told that story to one of the staff that I talked to at length during George's 113 day stay. When George died, she approached me and asked me who was there to help George cross over. I told her that I did not know. He was heavily sedated when I arrived that morning. His last words to me the night before were, "I love you." Those three words were spoken every day of our marriage. We never left the house or went to bed on an unkind word. Everyday began with "I love you" and have a good day. There were a few messages on my voice mail from George that I taped after he died. The tapes are for our family. You could hear his smile and zest for life in them and those always, ever familiar words of "I love you."
Even though the most important words were spoken the night before he died, I still felt CHEATED. I wanted to know who helped him cross over and that he was with his Heavenly Father. I was in denial and not facing his death. He was cremated and I had not made a decision as to his final resting place. We also have a home in Cape Cod and I simply felt that he was there. Over a month passed since his death and I needed to face reality. Reality was in Cape Cod. What happened there was far beyond a grace moment. Father Butler told me that it was called, REVELATION.
That is another story since I cannot continue to type and view my monitor through my tears.
My belief in heaven and God are stronger than ever.
Posted by Dolores Martin at 10:22 AM 1 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dolores Martin, Grace Moments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Grace Moments - By Dolores Martin
On the spur of the moment on April 15, I headed to the Berkshires for three days to catch up on a few things without distraction. I also needed to write my second GRACE MOMENTS article and decided to write a story about Ray and Marie.
Ray and Marie have been married for 60 years and are angels on earth. They are generous to a fault with their time and limited finances. They simply believe that God will provide.
Marie had given $100.00 to Sister Sponsas mission work in Liberia, Africa. She and Ray were in the parking lot of Home Depot when a bill came floating down from the sky. She quickly stepped on it and saw that it was a $100.00 bill. She picked it up and after much thought decided to give this money to a fundraiser for the mission in Liberia. They then purchased a scratch off lottery ticket and won $200.00.
I thought of this story as I approached a small country store. I needed milk. Purchasing a lottery ticket for me is like throwing money down the drain but I jokingly thought to a ticket and if I win anything, I told God that I would give half to the Church. I won $40.00.
Marie and Ray have twin great-granddaughters who are 4. They take care of the twins while the parents work; one of the twins has cerebral palsy. Their loving care has worked wonders for Julia who has had several operations. Olivia is the most outgoing, charming little girl that I know. She watches over her twin, who she lovingly refers to as her baby sister.
At check-in, I was asked if it would be convenient if someone could drop my welcome gift off to me in the morning. I said yes and Andy was at my door bright and early. He suggested having coffee at the meeting room. While he left to get our coffee, I heard a radio in the background and an announcer started talking. In the background, I heard the song that was played at my husbands viewing in 2006 and was the song in the background of the DVD made as a celebration of his life. Andy returned with the coffee and I told him about this.
I told him that we were at another one of their resorts in Orlando prior to returning to Albany for an appointment with Georges cardiologist. It was determined that George should have an operation. We had planned to return to Orlando. George walked into St. Peter's expecting to be home in a few days, however, after an unexpected 113 day stay, the man who walked into the hospital did not walk out.
My last pictures of George were of George feeding the ducks by the lake in Orlando. We purchased an even year time-share when we were there and had planned to pick up the odd year as well, but did not.
This property is inside the gates of Disney and we wanted it for our grandchildren. I was there last year and would have purchased the odd year, but prices had gone up, so I did not make the purchase.
Andy then asked me if I still wanted it and I said yes, but not at the higher price. He left to talk to his sales manager, came back and said the sales manager would see what he could do.
Andy then noticed my cross and we started talking about GRACE MOMENTS. He told me that he had something that he wanted me to see and we agreed to meet the next morning. Something that his wife’s friend had sent to her; he also wanted to see a picture of George.
The sales manager came back with a smile on his face and I now own another timeshare; a very special one for me. Then I returned to my condo, I removed the files from my briefcase and dropped them on the table. Several pictures flew out of one file. I picked up the pictures and just stared... They were pictures of George in Orlando. I think that he approved of my purchase for the grandchildren!
The next morning, Andy was at my door with a picture. He showed it to me and asked me what I saw... As clear as day, I saw an angel in the clouds! He gave me his home phone number and was going to try to locate the negative to have this picture developed for me.
My attempt to get away and work without distractions was challenging! I did work until 4:30 and went for a swim. The pool was crowded with children and I remembered an outdoor gazebo with a large hot tub and headed outside. Just one woman was there. She was a teacher on break and was here by herself.
This woman’s teenage daughter was with friends and her husband was on business. She seemed to have an ideal life, traveling the world on business with her husband.
I told her that my first article on Grace Moments was being published that day and asked her if she had any story to share with me. She said that she did not.
Several people from another family soon joined us. Their son was in a wheel chair; he had a severe form of cerebral palsy. He was gently placed in the hot tub and it was evident that he was loved very much.
This beautiful family was a delight to watch. The father helped this young boy push a football and it was in my direction. I pushed it into the young boys hand and he tried to show delight by trying to put his hands together in a clap. We continued to play. The woman who I originally was talking to was taking all of this in.
One of the other women had asked if we had been to (here it goes again) the resort in Orlando. The woman who I thought had a great life joined the conversation and said that she and her family were at Disney with the Make-a-Wish Foundation and how wonderful it was for them.
The boy with cerebral palsy brightened up at the talk of Disney and his mother said that 30 of their family members were there with him when he was there as a guest of the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
I had never met anyone before who was eligible for the Make-a- Wish foundation and now I was in a hot tub with two families sharing a similar experience.
If you recall, this article started out with Ray and Marie… Another family with a child who has cerebral palsy. The family left and the woman said to me... this is a GRACE MOMENT - Write about it! Her daughter had died and she had a hard time talking about it and the Make-a-Wish foundation before.
The next morning it was time for me to leave. So much for working without distraction, but I did accomplish other things!
Later that evening, I called Marie to get permission to tell their story. I asked how the twins were and I could feel her beaming across the wires.
Julia is in physical therapy after her leg operation and learning to walk with a walker. Her father, Jason came to the session to see her and when she saw him, she RAN with the walker to greet him. Her mother, Nicole, started to cry tears of joy.
All three families had something in common. They are loving, courageous, committed families who shared laughter and good time and bad times together… together as a FAMILY.
I never expected to witness so much courage and love and spiritual moments when I left home on the spur of the moment to catch up on my work.
-Dolores Martin
Posted by St Edwards Blog at 3:42 PM 1 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dolores Martin, Grace Moments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Grace Moments - By Dolores Martin
Over the years as I criss-cross this country and interact with strangers in airports or simply grocery shopping, I have been acutely aware of the growing spiritual hunger in our American culture.
Many people that I meet have commented on the cross that I wear. Everyday, since I started wearing this specific cross, someone will comment on it. Conversations take off from there. I wish that I could remember all of the heartwarming spiritual stories that I have heard; I wish that I had written them down to share with you.
In a Grace Moment, Fran Szpylczyn and I met after my return from a three-month journey at the end of February this year. That was the birth of this writing endeavor. I am not a writer, poet or editor so please bear with me as I struggle with putting down on paper what I can typically say out loud.
I would like to share with you how my life was spared on a trip to Colorado, in what I believe was a “Grace Moment.”
My husband, George and I were relocating to Colorado. We currently were living in Michigan, when he was offered a position in Denver. George accepted and started working in Colorado, while I still had much business to complete in Michigan.
When it was finally time for me to go, a friend was planning to drive with me, but had to cancel at the last minute. Another friend, David, told me that he wanted to join me. He did not want me driving by myself. I refused to take him up on his offer but he was insistent on going. I finally accepted his offer on condition that I was going to do all the driving and he agreed.
The night prior to our departure, I did not go to bed until close to midnight due to some work that I had to finish. I was to meet a client at Denny’s for breakfast, complete our work and pick up David. My client wished me well with my new venture and proceeded to tell me that he had found religion and was born again. Some people at the next table overheard our whole conversation and came over to our table. They asked if they could come out to the parking lot with us and pray over my car.
Their prayer was that God would watch over me on this trip. This was a new experience for me. Everyone held hands, surrounded my car and prayed. I thanked these kind strangers and left to pick David up. I was exhausted, but macho me still insisted upon driving. I had a thing back in those days about people driving my pristine and beautiful car.
A few hundred miles into the trip, David fell asleep… and unfortunately so did I. I was shaken awake just a short distance from slamming into the back of an 18-wheeler. I swerved sharply with mere inches to spare. David woke up as he was thrown around in his seat and we narrowly missed a collision that would have killed us both at the speed I was traveling.
What woke me up?
David now refused to let me drive and I acquiesced. We encountered another situation in Nebraska where the roads were closed due to a snowstorm. We had to stay overnight. There is another story to tell about this, but that is for another time under a different heading.
George was very happy that David insisted on going with me. It was not my time to die and God heard the prayers of those strangers praying over a blue Cadillac in Denny’s parking lot and sent David to be with me on my journey.
Almost everyone has experience with what I am calling a grace moment. You can call it intuition, deja vu, synchronicity, spiritual moment or whatever. We are all open to these moments, once we are able to open up our minds and hearts in this stress filled world.
Please share your experiences with me so that your story may touch the heart of someone who needs to read it. One never knows when we have reached a hardened heart with a kind word, smile or touch. It may be the only kind experience that they have encountered in a long time and they will feel the love of God through you.
I look forward to hearing your stories. They will be published every Thursday. You may leave them in the box on the blue table, filled with angels in the gathering space of St. Edward or you can email them to me directly at I look forward to hearing your stories and to sharing them with our online community!
Grace and peace to all!
Posted by St Edwards Blog at 8:17 PM 1 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dolores Martin, Grace Moments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
We Leave Easter - We Approach Pentecost
This is always a very favorite time of year for me, liturgically speaking. Easter joy and alleluias have filled our hearts after our Lenten journey.
It is very easy to get to Easter and to move on. However- we are still deep in our Easter season, with so much going on around us. Our Lent focused our thoughts and prayers on the deep transformation of metanoia. Now we can have been transformed and new life is here in abundance!
Have you noticed a change at St. Edward's? Many people have felt this of late... there is a real movement afoot, the presence of the Holy Spirit is all around us.
Our parish is seemingly bursting with new life this spring. One change that I am delighted to report is that the blog will have a new feature beginning next Thursday, April 17. On that day we will debut a new feature, Grace Moments.
Grace Moments are those times when something happens that just lets you know that God is there. Maybe it was a day in your life when you were at your lowest point and had given up and then an "angel" of sort shows up in your life and things turn around.
These posts will be written and/or edited by Dolores Martin. Dolores is a long-time parishioner of St. Edward's. She has many "Grace Moments" of her own to share, but we are asking you to contribute yours as well.
Email Dolores at if you have a story that you would like to share with us. If you know someone who might want to contribute who does not have a computer, there is a table in the gathering space with forms and a box to put your stories into.
We welcome Dolores to the blog and continue to seek other writers. If you have something you would like to share, please contact me at It can be a one-time-only submission or on-going writing - see if the spirit moves you to either one.
We also have our Scriptural Reflections available for your writing or your reading. The Easter season goes until Pentecost, so if you are interested, visit our parish website and click on the Reflections button.
On Tuesday night there was a social committee meeting in the Chapel and it was a huge success. There were so many people there; people brand new to the parish, people who have been here for awhile, people who have so many great ideas and thoughts that we might pursue.
We have such a large parish and it is easy to get "lost in the crowd." We are trying to add social events in which we can create community as we seek the Lord and serve the Lord in one another.
If you could not make the meeting, let me know and we still have plenty of room for volunteers and any new ideas. I will direct anyone who is interested to the appropriate party.
One other thing that I am moved to mention is our Small Faith Sharing groups. These are - as the name indicates - small groups who pray together weekly. There is a book and loose format that we use.
I visited one - really just to be "polite" as I was new here and the woman running the group had been kind to me.... Well not only did I begin to attend weekly, but I now view these women as great friends and really part of a base community for me.
If you have any interest in joining or starting a group, let me know and I will get you to the right person. It is an experience that I cannot recommend highly enough!
As we leave Easter and approach Pentecost, let us pray for the continued guidance of the Holy Spirit who will come to enlighten us, enrich us and to help us grow in faith and love together!
Posted by Fran Rossi Szpylczyn at 9:16 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Community, Dolores Martin, Fran Rossi Szpylczyn, Grace Moments, Metanoia, Small Faith Sharing Groups, St. Edward the Confessor
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Dolores! So you have been touched by the blogging community as well! Good to see you coming out~
Dear Missy,
Thank you for your comment. Prior to meeting Fran, I had no idea of what a blog was all about. This coming out is her idea as she has encouraged me to expand my writing. I am still learning how to use a computor and write.
You write from the heart--that's what it's all about. And you're learning to use web tools which puts you light years ahead of most of your generation.
(slight cringe) I meant that in the nicest possible way. :)
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