Kathleen was going through a very difficult time in her life. She had a tendency to look at the world through rose colored glasses and reality had set in.
Her problems, not of her doing, were creating physical as well as emotional havoc with her life. She never, ever, in her wildest dreams had expected to be caught up in the ugly situation that confronted her.
Her friends invited her to visit them. They did not know what she was going through. They lived in a beautiful area of Virginia and she jumped at the opportunity to visit.
Getting out in the fresh country air. Away from the ugliness. That is what the doctor would order.
Richard picked her up from the airport and they proceeded to his beautiful country home. Upon arrival, she exited the car and stood looking out at the beautiful countryside. She started to feel better.
As she was admiring the gardens, Casey, a beautiful golden retriever showed up at her side. He looked at her with the most intelligent, knowing eyes of any animal that she had ever encountered.
His canine friends joined them and sat at Kathleen's feet. She leaned down to pet each one and she was greeted by a big fat slobbering kiss on the face. This made her laugh. All her new found friends then got up and romped around the property.
That evening at dinner, Casey was at her side looking up at her. When she got up, Casey was with her. When she went to sleep, Casey was in the bedroom with her.
This was unusual behaviour for Casey. Casey was cautious of many people. A good friend of Sharon,(her friend) stopped by to chat. She told Kathleen that she had been trying to get Casey to come to her for over a year with no success. Why was Casey behaving like this.
Casey had sensed the sadness in Kathleen's heart. Casey picked up on her pain even though Richard and Sharon were not aware of her problems. Kathleen always put on a happy face and people rarely if ever knew when she was hurting. BUT CASEY KNEW......
Casey was the very best tonic for what was ailing Kathleen. With the loving companionship of her new found friend, she was able to step back and look at her problems from a different point of view.
WHAT A BLESSING TO MEET this loving golden retriever. Wherever Kathleen went on the property, there was Casey at her side.
Richard and Sharon had never witnessed this behaviour from their beautiful dog with a stranger.
Sharon and Kathleen explored the beautiful mountains of Virginia. Casey was sad to be left behind but Casey would get car sick and would not get in a car. UNTIL the day that Kathleen was to leave for home.
Kathleen packed her suitcase and left it in the bedroom. Casey was outside and did not see her pack the suitcase. BUT CASEY KNEW that Kathleen was leaving. How? who knows.......
Richard opened the car door and Casey jumped into the car. WHAT WAS GOING ON? Casey hated to get into a car. Richard removed the dog from the car but Casey ran around to the other side and jumped back into the car.
Kathleen left the house with her suitcase and Casey ran up to her. He walked all around her and would not leave her side. She reached down and played with her new friend. She looked into Casey's eyes and saw the understanding, love and compassion in this dogs eyes. She had felt this all week long and Casey helped her to relax and rejuvenate her mind, body and soul.
She sat in the front seat of the car and Casey jumped into the drivers seat. Richard had to tug and pull Casey from the car. He finally was successful, only to find that Casey ran around to the passenger side of the car and jumped into the car beside Kathleen. Casey was determined.
Casey finally was pulled from the car and all doors were closed.
As Richard started to drive, Casey followed them to the end of the road with those big, beautiful loving eyes. He seemed to perk up when Kathleen smiled and yelled to him, "I am fine, my new friend." "I will never forget you, I love you."
I have read somewhere that animals are more psychic than humans. I need to research this more but from my own personal experience, I have witnessed many animals respond in a psychic way. They know by instinct when something is about to happen before it does. At times, I may write about this. I would ask others to share their animal stories with me to write about.
Kathleen was a different person when she returned home. She was able to address issues that she felt helpless in dealing with in a more positive way. A new furry friend was a blessing in disguise.
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13 years ago
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