During my wanderings, I enjoy looking at old architecture. My son shares this passion and we visit many different Church's together when he is in town. I seem to see something new and interesting where ever we go.
One beautiful evening, I had attended Mass. Mass ended on a beautiful scene. I hope that others witnessed what I saw. So often we overlook beauty in nature and our surroundings. We often do not see what is in front of our nose. I seem to see everything and am constantly in awe.
GOD IS THE ULTIMATE ARTIST and shares HIS art work with us for our enjoyment and as a message of HIS INFINITE LOVE.
Father Adamkiewicz had finished Mass and was slightly to the left of the processional cross. He was facing the congregation. The sun was shining through the stain glass window. It projected in such a way, that a rainbow was forming from the middle of the Cross and ended directly behind Father Adamkiewicz. The color's blended into a vibrant pink and sky blue. Sky blue turned into the dominant color.
This scene reminded me of a rainbow ending at a pot of gold. Except, as in this case, the pot of gold was Father Adamkiewicz.
As he moved from the altar, the colors started to fade and when he turned to face the altar, the rainbow disappeared. This scene left such an impression on me that I wanted to remember it and someday do an abstract oil painting of it.
Whenever I see a rainbow, I always take time to look at it. I have always associated the rainbow with positive things but never took the time in my busy schedule to see if there was any specific meaning to the rainbow.
Something was tugging at me when I returned home and I started to research RAINBOW.
I googled RAINBOW AND COLORS.........I would like to share what I learned. I should have learned this in the past and who knows, perhaps I had been told this before and DID NOT HEAR. Too often, in our busy lifestyles, WORDS ARE SPOKEN TO US BUT WE DO NOT HEAR.
"The colour blue is frequently associated with the TABERNACLE. Blue is also associated with the COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, the importance of remembering them and also the heavenly calling of those who had been chosen by GOD to be HIS people."
"Blue is also connected with that which is HOLY IN GOD'S SERVICE".
The colour blue was so intense in the arc from the cross to the priest. Was GOD trying to tell us something?
There was so much to read about the colours of the rainbow and then the article led into GOD'S COVENANT WITH NOAH.
I am the product of Catholic schools. I attended Church, almost everyday while in school. I graduated from a secular university but still made a daily visit to Church until I married and children arrived.
For some reason, back in those days, we were not encouraged to read the Bible. What we learned from the Bible was interpreted by our Priests and Nuns. So, I listened but did not always hear.
Now, I am catching up and reading the Bible.
GOD'S COVENANT (Genesis 9:8-15)
"I ESTABLISH MY COVENANT WITH YOU: Never again will all life be cut off by the WATERS OF THE FLOOD; never again will there be a flood to DESTROY THE EARTH".
12,13. And GOD said, "This is a SIGN OF THE COVENANT, I AM MAKING BETWEEN ME AND YOU and every living creature with you, a COVENANT for all generations to come: I have set my RAINBOW IN THE CLOUDS, and it well be a SIGN OF THE COVENANT BETWEEN ME AND THE EARTH.
14,15 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the RAINBOW appears in the clouds, I will REMEMBER MY COVENANT between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life."
"One lady stated that her first connection between the GOD OF SCRIPTURE AND THE GOD OF HER OWN LITTLE WORLD as a child came after being read this account of Noah and the flood in a Bible-story and being shown the rainbow after a particularly heavy rainstorm. Such an association is EXACTLY WHAT GOD INTENDED. The beauty of the brilliant spectrum of light in the sky is to remind people of any age, in every age, that they have a connection to GOD. It is up to individuals to determine if they will be faithful or faithless in their responses to the GOD WHO MAKES COVENANTS WITH US."
Because of the beautiful scene between Father Adamkiewicz and the Cross, my life has been enriched with the story of the rainbow and a REMINDER OF GOD'S LOVE AND PROMISE TO US.
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