March 10, 2009


Sandy was born and raised in the Catholic faith. She attended very conservative Catholic schools and was totally indoctrinated by those who taught her. She believed.......she trusted.....she never questioned.

As she grew older, graduated from college at a time when very few women attended college and married; she found that she had to open up her mind to the entire world around her; not just the protected world and years of childhood in the safe cocoon of home and Church.

Once she did that, she started to question some of what she was taught. Some of the scare tactics that kept one in line for fear of God and going to hell. She believed in a more loving God and had a hard time comprehending these scare tactics.

She also felt betrayed by two priests who she believed in. They did not practice what they were preaching. like many others, she stopped going to Church.

Still that tug was there......she felt a void when she passed a Church and did not go in.

Years passed and this successful, intelligent woman no longer felt the tug nor the void. Her faith in God was still strong but not her belief in organized religion.

Her son loved the architecture of old Churches and every time that he would visit out of state, he would encourage her to visit different Churches with him. She agreed, but only AFTER Mass was over.

As he wandered in awe of the beauty of many of the old Churches, she reflected in prayer and found peace while meditating.

Soon she would stop in for a quick visit even when her son was not visiting. She did NOT attend Mass. She still felt a sense of betrayal. Her reasons were her own and as I was told her story, I did not question...........

She began to feel comfort in those visits.

A friend invited her to brunch one Sunday and suggested that they attend Mass together and then go to brunch.

It had been so, so many years since she had attended Mass.

As she listened to the homily, the Priest had mentioned some of the things that were taught in error due to misinformation and personal interpretation eons ago. They were some of the same things that she had questioned. The Priest talked about our loving Father who welcomes us with open, loving arms. With unconditional love........ This Priest touched her heart with his homily.

Brunch with her friend was great and also the ensuing conversation about the Church community that her friend belonged to.

Sandy decided to talk to the Pastor of the Church about her concerns. He helped her to see her concerns in a different light.

She made the decision to go to confession and attend Mass for a time. When she received Holy Communion; the Priest looked into her eyes when he said, "Body of Christ". He smiled as she answered, "Amen".

An overwhelming feeling of love for God and her fellowman came over her at that moment. SHE WAS BACK WHERE SHE BELONGED............

The celebration of the Mass was so different from the latin Mass of years ago. She listened to every word and reflected on what she heard. The first time that someone turned to her and offered their hand and said, "PEACE BE WITH YOU", she was not sure how to respond. Now that is a very favorite part of Mass for her.

People in the congregation turn to one another and say, "PEACE BE WITH YOU". Some people hug one another. There are many smiles as men, women and children express peace to one another. One can feel positive feelings of love and peace in this atmosphere.

Sandy felt so welcome. So much at home.

A friend invited her to brunch.......a kind, caring Priest answered her questions...members of the congregation wished her peace......


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