January 1, 2010


Marie was rushing once more with her grandson. She felt it was important to make time to

spend with him. He lived in the hill country with his parents in a sparsely settled area where

he had little to no interaction with children of his own age. On top of that, his little world was

falling apart. His parents marriage was failing and divorce proceedings were started.

This was a stressful and confusing time for a little six year old. He needed to interact with

children, make friends, learn to socialize and simply play.......................................

His grandmother made her way up the mountain to pick him up, several times a week.

She put her life on hold in order to help her grandson and daughter through this difficult time.

She found two places to take him to that gave him the opportunity to meet children. Mc Donalds

Playland and Clifton Commons. He loved spending time there (5 hours in McDonalds

Playland???? Marie developed patience)

Those were his favorite places in addition to running around Grandmas's home, playing with her.

AND PLAYING TRICKS ON HER. Laughter is good for the soul and his creative mischief

produced many laughs, not only for them but for those who were passing by who

witnessed them outdoors.

She encouraged him to be creative and express himself through painting. One of his

paintings was on exhibit at his school at the request of his principal.

They worked on arts and crafts projects together.

They took nature walks; sat on a log by a running stream or simply watched the stars

at night while sitting on a large boulder in her yard. She would tell him stories

while looking at the stars.

He made friends at McDonalds and Clifton Commons .

Grandma was a good sport and so when he and his friends urged her to follow them

into a tunnel at the commons, she did so. OOPS...................she had forgotten

that she had gained weight and she got stuck.

It was a hilarious sight to see her grandson and friends trying to push and

pull her out. They were successful. Grandma did not venture into tight spaces after that.

Many of these activities were observed by Danny or he heard about them.

Grandma had a 150 gallon salt water fish tank in her home. This tank was filled with exotic fish

and needed expertise and attention in maintenance that she did not have and so, she hired

Danny to care for the fish.

The fish provided much pleasure for all who spent time looking at them and interacting with

them. They were a learning experience.

Danny was very friendly and always had a smile on his face. He loved to talk about his children.

He and Marie had numerous conversations about family.

One day, he was very quiet. He seemed upset. When he finally decided to talk, he simply said;

"YOU GIVE OF YOURSELF, YOU GIVE YOUR TIME" and then he shared what was bothering


That day was his wife's birthday. Her parents had mailed her a check for $5,000.00. It upset

her. She had received a number of checks from them via mail.

They rarely spent time with her or her children. THE GIFT OF TIME AND SELF was what she

longed for. That gift was rarely given.

That is the gift she would cherish the most. SHE WISHED FOR THAT.


Unknown said...

The Grandma in your story has done wonders for her grandson and is giving him such support, not to mention some wonderful loving memories. The story of Danny & his wife and the lack of the gift of time from her parents is heartbreaking. I know parents who think a check is all that is required but they are robbing themselves and their children of so much that never can be replaced.They simply don't realize what they are missing.
Tomorrow I am going to a grandaughter's birthday tea party - a Princess Party! When she called she said to wear Princess clothes....not that there are any hanging in my closet! I think I will wear a long, black nightie (with a black turtleneck!) and a bright shawl and as much glitzy jewelry as I can find. If the host is only 6, more jewelry is better! Gramps has to stay in the living room with his grandson - no boys allowed! Not only will we have fun, but I hope we are creating some wonderful memories as well.

Dolores said...

Dear Alice,

I enjoyed your comment. You think the way that I do about building memories and family. I could tell you stories about dressing up for the grandchildren. They even had Grandpa involved. Cherish your time with them.

God bless,

Dolores said...

Dear Alice,

Thank you for the comment and adding to this story. You sound like my type of woman.

God Bless,